Simulation of a Recirculating Aquaculture System from a Nordic Aquafarms video. | Created via GIPHY


Press release from Nordic Aquafarms:

Nordic Aquafarms, a leading international developer of land-based aquaculture, will be presenting an overview of their planned Humboldt County facility on Thursday, April 11, at 2 p.m. at Humboldt State University’s Kate Buchanan Room, located on the 2nd floor of the University Center Building. The company has developed significant innovations in Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) technology, which uses large, independent tanks and water treatment systems. The Humboldt facility is anticipated to meet the growing US demand for fresh seafood, 90% of which is currently imported, in a sustainable, environmentally responsible manner.



On February 11, 2019, Nordic Aquafarms signed a lease-option agreement with the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District in order to pursue final due diligence for a land-based fish farm on the Samoa Peninsula. If the due diligence and permitting goes as planned, the project will bring major investments, tax revenue, employment and business opportunities to the North Coast.

This project has also been designated as an anchor project at the peninsula that is expected to attract other businesses to the area. The company’s strategy is to provide an alternative to seafood imports and not to compete with existing local fisheries and businesses. As such, the effort also brings potential synergies and opportunities for cooperation and supports within a developing aquaculture cluster, contributing to a diverse and robust seafood industry in Humboldt County.

Additional information

The US imports 90% of the fresh seafood consumed and demand continues to grow. To meet current demand, most of the fresh fish consumed in the US is air-freighted at a significant cost and with considerable CO2 footprint. To achieve growth in domestic supply of fresh local fish in a sustainable, environmentally responsible manner, land-based fish farming is a solution.

Land-based fish farming (RAS) is based on indoor production in a controlled environment using large, independent tanks and water treatment systems. Its benefits include:

  • ability to recycle and treat water on site to reduce water consumption;

  • recycling of waste resources and nutrients;

  • prevention of sea lice and parasites;

  • elimination of fish escape into the sea and co-mingling with wild species;

  • application of renewable energy concepts;

  • a shorter distance to market for a high quality, fresh product

  • consistent quality and traceability all year round

In its presentation, Nordic Aquafarms will introduce its plans for the project in Humboldt to serve West Coast markets.