California National Guard, Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Join Effort to Find Missing Trinity Alps Hiker From Blue Lake
The search effort for Daniel Komins continues. | Photos provided by the Trinity County Sheriff’s Office.
Trinity County Sheriff’s Office press release:
The Search and Rescue efforts pertaining to Daniel Komins continued throughout the day of August 17, 2019.
Approximately sixty Search and Rescue members are assigned to the search effort. Approximately twenty of these members are assigned to operations, logistics and command related tasks, while forty members are on foot in the Trinity Alps.
Daniel Komins was last seen in the Trinity Alps by other hikers on Aug. 11.
The forty Search and Rescue members in the Trinity Alps have been divided into twelve teams. These twelve teams have various assignments and search areas.
All twelve teams were inserted into high elevation areas via helicopter. These teams are scheduled to remain in their search areas overnight, in order to continue searching on August 18, 2019. Many of these teams are assigned to off trail search areas, presenting dangerous and arduous conditions for the team members themselves.
Two California National Guard helicopters are presently assigned to the daytime search efforts. These helicopters continue to fly the area searching for Komins as well as insert search teams as required. A third helicopter is assigned to the nighttime search efforts, and is scheduled to conduct an infrared helicopter flight during the late evening of August 17, 2019.
The Search and Rescue efforts will continue on August 18, 2019. Once additional information is obtained, supplemental press releases shall be issued.
Persons of Interest: Daniel Komins, Date of Birth: April 12, 1985 Agencies involved:
Trinity County Sheriff’s Office
Trinity County Search and Rescue
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services