The ocean | HCSO
Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office release:
On Monday, August 5, at about 7 p.m., deputies were dispatched to Baker Beach, south of Trinidad on the report of subjects stranded on an offshore rock. The subjects had walked to the rock during low tide and became stranded when the tide came in. 🌊 The subjects declined assistance from the Sheriff’s Office and the Coast Guard and eventually made it back to shore when the tide went back out.
The Humboldt County coast is a beautiful and fun place to explore, but we want you to play safe and always be mindful of the changing tides when out enjoying all the coast has to offer. Ocean conditions can change quickly, leaving you stranded for hours, or making crossing back to shore very dangerous.
Before you head out, you can find the most up-to-date tide predictions at http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov