Local Toys for Totters.
Press release from Humboldt Toys For Tots:
The Humboldt chapter of the national Toys for Tots program is seeking toys and money donations to ensure they can deliver thousands of Christmas presents to thousands of children on the North Coast.
The US Marines Reserves sponsored program based in Eureka, which distributes in Humboldt, Trinity, Del Norte and parts of Mendocino counties, gave toys to 5,000 local children last year. In 2019, the group hopes to reach 7,000.
“More families are struggling these days. Sometimes parents can’t afford to give their kids presents. That’s where we step in to help make the holiday better for them,” said Gregg Gardner, longtime coordinator for the local Toys for Tots chapter. “Every kid deserves toys on Christmas.”
The group appreciates new toy donations and organizes many drop locations, including at the Eureka Costco, Target and Wal-Mart. However, financial donations are welcome too as the group can purchase toys in bulk from various manufacturers and suppliers at a fraction of retail costs.
“Nationally, the Toys for Tots administrative costs run at about 4 percent. Everything else goes to purchase toys,” said Gardner, the publisher of the 101 Things to Do travel guides. “It’s a very efficient organization. “Here in Humboldt, the percentage of direct toy purchase is even higher, 100 percent.”
In fact, the Humboldt chapter has been recognized twice nationally for the effectiveness of its organizational structure. To extend its coverage as much as possible, it reaches out to schools superintendents throughout the region and compiles lists of children in need.
Once signed up in the program, elementary and middle school children are scheduled a time to get toys with their parents at one of the many distribution sites. Moreover, volunteers do street outreach too to find those who may not be in school, Gardener said.
Toy donations can be dropped off at the Toys for Tots office at 2383 Myrtle Ave. in Eureka or some 70 collection sites throughout the county.
Financial donations for the Humboldt chapter can be given at collection sites, the Toys for Tots office in Myrtletown or online directly at https://eureka.toysfortots.org. Be sure to specify the Humboldt-Del Norte-Trinity County location. Credit card donations can be taken at 707-443-1234.
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