Eureka Police Department to Start Billing Citizens For False Alarms
Eureka Police Department press release:
Effective February 1, 2019 the Eureka Police Department will begin contracting with
Phoenix Group Information Systems to aid in false alarm billing. The purpose of this
change is to better streamline the processing of the nearly 1,300 false residential and
commercial alarms that the Eureka Police Department responded to in the last year.
These preventable false alarm activations ranged from panic alarms to burglar alarms.
False alarms are costly to the city, not only financially, but more importantly in misused
manpower and resources. Depending on the type of alarm, a single alarm can tie up from
two to several officers, preventing them from serving other parts of the City.
As part of this new billing process, all alarm holders within the city limits of Eureka will
be required to obtain an alarm permit each year through Phoenix Group Information
Services. The alarm registration permits ($20), annual permit renewal ($20) and
false alarm billing can be done via the Phoenix website. This website information will be
released publically and placed on EPD’s website prior to February 1st for your reference.