“Water vapor” imagery courtesy National Weather Service.

The first weekend of 2019 is gonna be wet and blustery here on the North Coast, with widespread rain, strong winds and even an inch or two of snow in the mountains, according to the National Weather Service. 

The first in a series of storms is scheduled to hit on Saturday, bringing winds of 40 to 60 miles per hour with gusts of up to 70 mph along exposed mountain ridges. We can expect a thunderstorm or two along the coast.

This … let’s call it “eventful” weather is expected to continue into early next week, and the National Weather Service advises caution while traveling, which is always solid advise. 

More advice and details can be found in the graphic below. Seems like a good weekend for cozy fires, good books and large mugs filled with hot chocolate.

Image from the National Weather Service.