Video posted by Rowell Brockaw Architects

Curious about the large housing development currently under construction on the corner of Fourth and C Streets in Eureka? Then you will want to watch the architect’s video rendering of what the completed project is expected to look like.

The Danco Communities project will consist of 50 units to house veterans and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. As the video shows, the rather posh looking complex will also include a large courtyard, a multi-purpose room, resident lounges, a fitness room and a rooftop terrace.

To really give you the full effect, the architect even chose to include renderings of people and the things they might be doing there, such as playing Backgammon, enjoying a presentation by a character who looks an awful lot like Eureka City Manager Greg Sparks (seen at about 01:45), or having a conversation with what looks like mailboxes (seen at about 01:13.)

According to the post on the Department of Health and Human Services Facebook page, the project is excepted to be completed this winter.