Press release from the Humboldt Library Foundation:
The Humboldt Library Foundation presented a check for $830 to the Humboldt County Library to help build its collection of materials on China, Thailand and Asia. Thanks to the generosity of a donor who created the fund to honor his family’s heritage and to further cultural understanding of Asia, the annual disbursement brings the total for this purpose to $14,500.
Dr. Vis and Sally Upatisringa established the Hun Kwan Goh Memorial Book Fund to honor the memory of Vis’s father, an active business and community leader in Thailand. The HLF donor advised fund has allowed the library to purchase books and other materials about China, Thailand and other countries of Asia. To date, nearly three hundred volumes have been added to the library’s collection.
“The Hun Kwan Goh Memorial Book Fund has been an enormous benefit to our library collection,” said Michael Logan, Director of Acquisitions and Technical Services at the library. “Whether you’re able to travel the world in person or not, the HKG collection has enabled the Library to bring part of it here. The art, history, language, cinema, cuisine, and geography of Thailand, China, and Asia in general are open for your exploration, all thanks to this generous endowment,” he added.
The Humboldt Library Foundation (HLF) was formed in 1996 to build financial support for the Humboldt County Library system, which includes the Main Library, ten branches and a bookmobile that serves fourteen rural communities. HLF raises funds in the community and makes direct annual grants to the library to help purchase new materials, add programming and provide technology upgrades. Since its inception, HLF has provided over $1.2 million in grants to the library.
Donations of any size are welcome. If you wish to create a donor advised fund or want more information on the Humboldt Library Foundation and how you can give, visit our website, ‘like’ us on Facebook, or call the HLF office at (707) 269-1991.