The “bomb cyclone” went off bigtime in Humboldt last night. Now it is gone. Here are our winds at the moment:
That’s a far cry from what it was yesterday afternoon and evening, when a super-low-pressure system — an honest-to-god cyclone — set up off our coast and set those ghostly lines spinning up our coast at remarkable speed.
Looks like we can spend today recovering from the damage. Much of the county was knocked off the electrical grid yesterday …
… and, as you can see, much of it is still down. (Click here to check on your particular PG&E status.)
Many roads are still covered in debris…

Table Bluff Road this morning. Photo: Andrew Goff.
… though no major thoroughfare is closed at the moment, as far as we know. Please be careful when driving today! Our CHPWatch page has a list of matters that the California Highway Patrol is dealing with this a.m. — a lot.
That goes double with the higher parts of the county, which have snow. Here’s Kneeland this morning, courtesy of reader Charlene McCornack:

But the sun is shining in Eureka. Keep calm and carry on, y’all! Let’s have a Wednesday.