Rex makes HONKs | Photo: Ryan Burns

Eureka shall have its “HONK HONK HONK” after all. 

Standing in front of a hulking semi truck at a quickly planned media event at Eureka’s Carson Park Monday afternoon, Humboldt County First District Supervisor Rex Bohn announced that the recently scrapped Eureka Trucker’s Parade will again bring holiday cheer to the citizenry. The parade is scheduled for Dec. 14.

“The biggest thing in Humboldt County are traditions,” Bohn said. “We need to keep our traditions.”

Bohn, who is currently running for reelection, made the announcement in front of a banner reading “Rex & Friends Present the 31st Trucker’s Parade - Continuing the Tradition.”

This is big, breaking news and LoCO plans to update this post with more details shortly. In the meantime, here is video of Rex honking. 

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