In an email to reporters this evening, Heather Muller of the county’s Joint Information Center tells reporters that it will now start reporting a number that many people have been calling for — that is, the number of local people who have “recovered” from COVID-19:

She writes:

Humboldt County Public Health is now able to report six days a week the total number of county residents who have recovered from COVID-19. The total number of recovered cases represents the number of people with confirmed cases who are no longer in isolation. That means these individuals have met Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for release, including absence of fever for at least three days without use of fever-reducing medicine, improvement in symptoms and have had seven days or more since onset of symptoms. Of the 52 confirmed cases, a total of 47 have recovered.

Relatedly, Muller says that the near-daily report of Humboldt County COVID-19 statistics — the number of confirmed cases, the number of tests run, etc. — has been delayed today. Numbers from today’s tests (and Sunday’s) will be included in tomorrow’s report.