Press Release from the City of Eureka:
The following nominees have qualified for the November 3, 2020 General Election for the City of Eureka. All candidates that were pending signature verification have qualified for the November ballot.
Office of City Council Ward 2
Lucinda Jackson
Robl.lucindaj@gmail.comKati Moulton
katitexas@gmail.comTamar Shirley
tamarshirley@gmail.comDot Jager-Wentworth
Dotcitycouncileureka2@gmail.comOffice of City Council Ward 4
Scott Bauer
ScottBauerWard4@gmail.comEddie Morgan
Eddie.alexander.morgan@gmail.comMatthew Owen
Mowen707@gmail.comWilliam Tuttle
Williamtuttle46@gmail.comLiza Welsh