HSU | Photo courtesy of the CSU system.



From Humboldt State University:

Humboldt State University has learned that a staff member has recently had a positive test for COVID-19. The employee was not tested on campus and the case is not related to HSU’s recent move-in day. 

HSU is working closely with Humboldt County Public Health in responding to information about this test result. 

No one in the campus community had contact with the employee, as they followed protocol and isolated at home when the symptoms began. The employee has not been back on campus since that time, and is expected to recover soon and return to work. Staff at Public Health praised the employee’s actions as well as campus protocol for helping to avoid additional contacts.

Our campus community knows this is a challenging situation for the affected employee, family, and friends. We applaud the employee’s response to the situation and offer best wishes for a quick and full recovery.

Guidelines and Support

The campus community is encouraged to stay safe and healthy, and to help protect the health of the community, by adhering to the Social Responsibility Commitment. This includes wearing a face covering, maintaining social distancing, and staying at home if you are sick or have a fever.

The ongoing challenges of the pandemic can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Any students who would like to talk with a counselor can contact Counseling & Psychological Services at 707.826.3236. Staff or faculty needing additional support may call the Employee Assistance Program at 707.443.7358.

For more information about COVID-19, visit the California Department of Public Health website.

For more information about HSU’s plans for the fall semester, visit the HSU Campus Ready website.