Photo: Wikimedia.
Press release from College of the Redwoods:
College of the Redwoods has been notified of a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 in a student residing in one of our residence halls. Our safety protocols were implemented immediately and the student, along with one other who may have been in contact with the infected student, have been moved into isolation. Meals and other necessities will be delivered and the students will receive regular health checks while in isolation for 14 days.
The positive case was detected through proactive testing of residence hall students upon their arrival on campus. Humboldt County Public Health, working with college administration and staff, has determined the risk of exposure to other individuals on campus was low, meaning the risk to other students, staff and faculty was no greater than the risk for contracting the virus in the general public. The student was not sharing a room with any other students prior to isolation and will not be in classes with any other students or faculty. Follow-up testing of students in the residence halls is scheduled for next Wednesday, August 26th.
Additional cleaning and sanitizing on campus has been done, notifications have been made to those who were in contact with the individual and staff is working closely with Humboldt County Public Health to monitor the situation.
We are asking all members of our college community to minimize the spread of illness by taking the following actions to protect yourself and others:
- Wear face coverings
- Wash hands often with soap and water
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
- Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- If you are sick, stay home
- Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home by keeping enough food, prescription medications and other necessities on hand
- Frequently clean all commonly touched surfaces such as telephones, doorknobs, countertops
- Maintain physical distancing as much as possible by keeping six feet of distance between other individuals
- Avoid large gatherings