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Tibora Bea, in full bloom

We hear that many of you are going to be cursed with a long weekend, so the Lost Coast Outpost is going to early-release this week’s edition of Humboldt Holding Up, our Zoom-y, COVID-era quasi-podcast thing.

This week: We speak with SCRAP Humboldt founder Tibora Bea. For the past decade or so, SCRAP has preached the gospel of creative reuse and has welcomed countless crafty types to share in the bounty found in its Arcata materials collection site. Sadly, global pandemics are difficult to navigate and SCRAP recently announced that it would be shutting its doors. RIP SCRAP.

But don’t feel bad for Tibora. She still considers SCRAP to be a triumph and she’s still got plenty of projects shakin’ as evidenced by her personal website Tuesday Tumbleweed. You may have noticed someone recently poembombed much of downtown Arcata. Yeah, that was her. We’ll talk about it.

Click the player above to be whisked away to Tibora’s chat with LoCO’s Andrew Goff and/or peruse some of the other folks we’ve talked to below.