Bohn | Facebook
Rex Bohn, Humboldt County’s First District supervisor, has tested positive for COVID-19.
He announced the diagnosis via Facebook Friday morning, noting that he hasn’t experienced any symptoms and that because he’s been fully vaccinated doctors tell him he’s likely to experience only mild symptoms, if any.
“I’m thinking of painting my house or mowing my lawn,” Bohn said with a chuckle when reached by phone.
He has contacted everyone he’s recently been in contact with for more than about five minutes, he said, and he noted that since supervisors and many county staffers are nearing the end of a two-week vacation, he hasn’t been interacting with as many people as usual.
Bohn said he has been getting tested every six to eight weeks because it’s so easy and convenient. Most recently, he stopped by the testing site at Eureka’s Wharfinger building and got in and out in less than four minutes, he said.
After getting his positive test result he texted Humboldt County Public Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman and St. Joseph Health Humboldt County CEO Dr. Roberta Luskin-Hawk.
“They wanted to verify that I was fully vaccinated,” Bohn said. Once they got that confirmation, “the first thing out of their mouth was, ‘Well, you’re not gonna die!’” he recalled. “That’s a big plus! That’s a positive!”
Earlier this week, Bohn took some heat from a number of his constituents — and earned kudos from others — over a Facebook post in which he sounded the alarm over worsening local conditions in the COVID-19 pandemic and urged people to wear masks and get vaccinated.
“We have 23 people in St Joes right now,” the post says. “I have been contacted by ICU nurses that are running on empty, please consider them! And all our other health professionals.” Local health care professionals are urging people to get vaccinated, and Bohn said he’s listening to them.
“I do not care what is on Tik Tok, Reddit or any other site I am gonna believe the folks here that have to look me in the eye. A young man died locally younger than my son with no other conditions except not being vaccinated. I am worried for all of you yes all of you.”
And in a prescient observation, he added, “What is scary is you can get this while being vaccinated but your symptoms are greatly reduced. Almost guaranteed not to die, I like that one.”
The Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting Friday morning at 10:30 to reconsider a recent decision to resume in-person meetings. Bohn said he expects more bad news about local COVID conditions to be revealed at the meeting. He has been directed to isolate for 10 days.