Old Town parking. | Photos and graphics provided by the City of Eureka
The City of Eureka is seeking public feedback in the development of a new “parking plan” in order to relieve some of the curbside congestion around downtown.
To achieve this goal, the City has published a public survey to learn more about people’s experiences parking downtown.
“This plan will analyze the existing parking demand and supply and provide implementable strategies that balance the parking utilization for all users, including residents, business employers and visitors,” the City of Eureka stated in an announcement regarding the parking study.

Available parkings spots around the project area.
Anyone can take part in the 28-question survey by clicking this link.
“With increasing development in Downtown Eureka, the City will continue to thrive and attract more vehicular trips resulting in an increase in parking demand,” the City stated. “Parking strategies will uphold the objectives to ensure balanced use of public parking, while maintaining economic vibrancy of Downtown Eureka.”