On Wednesday afternoon, Baby Phoenix and his family were reunited with some of the folks who had a hand
in saving his life on Christmas Eve, 2020.
Pictured from left to right: Eureka Police and Fire Dispatcher Laura Altic who took the 9-1-1 call; HBF Fire
Captain/Paramedic John Goodman, Engineer Brett Egbert; Firefighter Logan Bongio who responded as
Engine 8113; the Family, Mother Pa Yang, Baby Phoenix, and Father Long Moua; E.R. Nurse Katt Smith
and E.R. Doctor Jason Bourland who received Baby Phoenix and provided hospital care. Not pictured: City
Ambulance of Eureka Paramedic Jake Rubinson and EMT Carli Hollis who also provided ALS care to baby
Phoenix and transported him to the hospital.
Additionally not pictured but deserving of mention is all the other heroes who played a hand in Phoenix’ care
including other hospital staff, the supportive family and friends of Phoenix and his parents, and the
community at large who has risen up to care for this family in their time of need through thoughts, prayers,
and monetary donations to their GoFundMe page.
This reunion was emotional for all as each person recounted their role that day, bound together in purpose
by the thread of Baby Phoenix’ precious life.
Pheonix’ mother provided an update on how he is doing now, after returning from UCSF: “It’s scary having to
hear that he has severe brain damage, and that he might not be the same Phoenix he was before. But he’s
fighting, he’s starting to show signs of the same Phoenix. We’re just happy that he’s home.”
She also indicated that Phoenix has begun virtual physical therapy, and that his legs are already getting
stronger and he is able to follow better with his eyes. Next, they hope to see further improvement in his
hands and neck as they strengthen.
Baby Phoenix has already defied so many odds, and we have so much hope and belief that he will continue to
do so as he recovers, forever having the support and love of the Humboldt Bay Fire.