U.S. Forest Service press release:
It might only be February, but it’s never too early to think about that perfect Christmas tree, especially when it’s the one that will adorn the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol! Today, Six Rivers National Forest officials, in partnership with non-profit partner Choose Outdoors, proudly announced that the 2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree would hail from the Six Rivers National Forest, in California. This is the first time the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree will be provided by the Six Rivers and the fifth time from the state of California.
Every year since 1970, the USDA Forest Service has provided the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree. Providing the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree—also known as “The People’s Tree”—is a great honor and opportunity for the State of California, the Six Rivers National Forest, and the entire North Coast of California to highlight the area’s breathtaking natural resources and cultural diversity, including those whose ancestors have called this area home since time immemorial.
The 2021 holiday season will kick off with the lighting of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, in early December. In addition, up to 100 smaller companion trees and tree skirts, along with 14,000 ornaments, handmade by Californians, will be sent to Washington, DC.
“California is honored to provide this year’s U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree as a living testament to the resiliency and fortitude of our beautiful national forests, despite a historic 2020 fire season,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. “We are proud to showcase the Six Rivers National Forest on a national stage and look forward to the events leading up to December.”
“The North Coast has been rightly hailed for the unparalleled natural beauty of its forests, and it’s an honor to once again be able to share a part of our beautiful state with the U.S. Capitol and the people of America during the next holiday season,” said U.S. Representative Jared Huffman (CA-2). “This long-standing tradition serves as a way to unite the country and celebrate all our public lands and natural resources have to offer. Thank you to all of our partners in and outside of California who are making this special journey possible.”
The Six Rivers National Forest has partnered with Choose Outdoors to help implement the year-long public engagement campaign. The initiative is made possible with cash and in-kind contributions from companies large and small as well as volunteers locally and across America, who provide vital support of time and resources.
“The annual journey is only possible with the help of strong partnerships throughout California and beyond state lines,” said Bruce Ward, president of Choose Outdoors. “We’re looking forward to bringing people together to celebrate our public lands, our diversity and the joy of the holiday season.”
“It’s going to be a lot of work,” said Kathy Mick, acting forest supervisor for the Six Rivers National Forest, “but we’re excited and can hardly wait to get started in our search for that perfect tree! But, like most of our projects on the Six Rivers, it’s going to be a collaborative effort, working alongside our partners and communities to shine a bright light on what we can do on California’s North Coast!”
To follow the exciting journey of the 2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree—and to be a part of the festivities over the next 10 months—visit www.uscapitolchristmastree.com, @uscapitolchristmastree on Facebook and Instagram, or the Six Rivers National Forest website at www.fs.usda.gov/srnf or at @SixRiversNF on Facebook and Twitter.