Following the 2020, California is set to redraw its legislative maps and for the first time in our state’s history, we are set to lose a congressional seat. What does this mean for Humboldt? Guest Sam Sukaton of the California League of Conservation Voters joins Gang Green to discuss the California Citizens Redistricting Commission and how environmental voters can better harness power to affect change.
While environmental and climate justice advocates have been building a policy agenda for years, we currently do not have the political power in California to act on these solutions at the rate and scale required. The 2021 redistricting process is a unique moment to make key structural change: not only for the next legislative session, but for this final decade leading to the 2030 climate deadline.
California’s Constitution requires that redistricting preserve “communities of interest”—those economic or cultural ties that bind communities together—to the maximum extent possible. The redistricting process begins by soliciting input from the public about what forms their community of interest. Unique public comments are very important to the process. There are two ways you can participate!
“The EcoNews Report,” July 17, 2021
Participate in a Communities of Interest Public Hearing!
The Citizen Redistricting Commission is holding virtual meetings based on “zones.” Humboldt, Mendocino, Trinity and Del Norte Counties are in Zone A. The Citizen Redistricting Commission is hosting a special meeting for our zone on August 23 from 1-7 p.m. Go to this link to see the meeting agenda and to register to speak! Each speaker will get up to 3 minutes.
Draw Your Own Map!
Don’t want to sit through a public meeting? Can’t make August st? No problem! Submit your testimony online, by email or by mail.
The Citizen Redistricting Commission has set up a cool website where you can draw your community of interest. Go to DrawMyCACommunity.org and follow the helpful tutorials.
You can also provide input to the Commission by emailing: VotersFirstAct@crc.ca.gov (CC us at epic@wildcalifornia.org too!) or by snail mail: California Citizens Redistricting Commission, 721 Capitol Mall, Suite 260, Sacramento, CA 95814. You can even call in your comments to: (916) 323-0323.