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Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:
On June 8, 2021, an inmate at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility tested positive for COVID-19. Pursuant to COVID protocols, the asymptomatic inmate had two cellmates while completing an initial quarantine period after being booked into the facility.
One cellmate was released prior to contact with the general population and track/trace efforts are underway. The other cellmate has subsequently tested negative for COVID-19.
As a precaution, an impacted housing unit on which the COVID-positive inmate was housed is undergoing the prescribed quarantine period while the COVID-positive inmate is housed in negative air-flow medical unit for the duration of his personal quarantine.
All other Public Health approved COVID protocols remain in place. For instance, COVID-sanitation protocols remain in place and inmates in the impacted housing unit are separated from un-impacted housing units.
All inmates in COVID-impacted housing units are issued KN95 masks and socially distanced. All impacted inmates will be tested at least twice each week for the 14-day period unless previously vaccinated. Vaccinations remain available for unvaccinated inmates.
Staff movement in and out of the impacted housing unit is being minimized and staff are continuing to wear personal protective equipment.
In-person social visitation in the impacted housing unit is suspended during the quarantine while attorney visits and court appearances will be minimized and non-contact when possible.