The money waters the weed, which grows strong and tall on the “trellis.”
From the Humboldt County Economic Development Division:
Working to overcome the financial challenges of the current commercial cannabis marketplace, COVID-19 and fire and drought, local cannabis cultivators have an opportunity to receive funding through the County of Humboldt’s Project Trellis Emergency Cultivation Micro-Grant. There is $1 million in funds available from a one-time Measure S disbursement allocated by the Board of Supervisors on Sept. 21. The program is administered by the County Administrative Office - Economic Development Team (GoHumCo) and the Project Trellis Committee.
Cannabis cultivation businesses that hold post-approval permits and provisional or annual state licenses my apply for up to $25,000 to help offset business-related debt and expenses.
Grant Eligibility
Applicants must be:
- A Humboldt County-based cannabis cultivation business, with post-approval permits and provisional or annual licenses.
- Have 75% or more of your operations based in Humboldt County.
- Be currently licensed and registered to operate in Humboldt County. Conduct activities that are specific to cultivation.
- Applications are available on the Project Trellis Emergency Cultivation Micro-Grant webpage.
The application form should be submitted electronically, however, hard copies are accepted if documents are easier to submit in paper format. A PDF version of the application can be found in the documents section of the Project Trellis Emergency Cultivation Micro-Grant webpage. Hard copies can be picked up by contacting Project Trellis at ProjectTrellis@co.humboldt.ca.us or 707-445-7745. Applications can be mailed or delivered to the County of Humboldt County Administrative Office – Economic Development Team, Attn: Project Trellis, 825 5th St #112, Eureka, CA 95501. The submission deadline is 5 p.m. on Dec. 15 and only complete applications, including all required attachments, will be accepted for consideration.
All applications will be reviewed by Economic Development Staff for completion and then scoring. Recommended funding will be taken to the Project Trellis Committee for review. Economic Development staff will then present the final funding recommendations to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors for approval.
Applications may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act.
For more information, please visit the Project Trellis Emergency Cultivation Micro-Grant webpage, or contact Project Trellis at ProjectTrellis@co.humboldt.ca.us or call 707-445-7745.