
Arcata City Council

There’s nobody better than Stillman
She lives on an Arcata hill, man
Done Council and Mayor
She’s fair but not square
She’s totally fitting the bill, man.

— Rick St. Charles

Arcata’s needs surely are strong
And none of the runners are wrong
But one stands out clear
She’ll lend you her ear
Vote Stillman to take us along

— Bob Felter

District Attorney

Strong as an armada
Yet friendly as a posada
In fighting for justice
He has much practice
Vote for Adrian Kamada!

— Shannon Townsend-Bettis

If the crime in Humboldt’s a calamity
And repeating mistakes is insanity
Then I tell you you oughta’
Vote for Kamada
‘Cuz anything else is inanity.

— J.D. Rosenfeld

A strong DA here for our needs
With politeness and thought she proceeds
You question the rest
Please vote for the best
Our one DA hopeful is EADS

— Bob Felter

Fifth District Supervisor

Please join me in voting for Larry.
Humboldt County’s next dignitary.
Madrone’s no straight arrow.
His focus too narrow.
Four more years of him is too scary.

Larry loves Humboldt there is no doubt.
Madrone’s too self-focused, has no clout.
Humboldt needs leadership.
Someone to give a rip.
Vote for Larry and kick the bum out.

— Mike Vina

There once was a man named Sungnome
Who now goes by the name Steve Madrone
Hard working for his constituents
He deserves our commitment
to reelect him to office
Unlike the guy named Doss

— Barbara Rincon

Huge signs should elicit some heed
Big money will serve their own need
For community health
Beware of the stealth
Vote Madrone, the right man to lead

— Bob Felter

Fourth District Supervisor

Natalie for District 4, a Limerick

In Eureka there’s councilor Arroyo
She works hard to make folks say “Oh boy oh
We’ll give her our vote
Cuz we know she won’t gloat
As supervisor she’ll serve us with joy-o.”

— Tess Yinger

Rutabaga Queen of our Hearts

Vote Natalie Arroyo to supervise
District 4 in our county of rainy skies
A choice you’ll be proud
That you made for the crowd
Of folks who like politicians wise

— Tess Yinger

With Bass on her way out the door
Our hopes for the future do soar.
A fresh voice is needed,
We hope she is seated,
Arroyo for District Four!

— David Demant

There once was a candidate named Natalie,
She ran for Board of Supes with vitality,
When the votes came in,
(to other’s chagrin),
She had the winning plurality!

— Sheila Evans


Our Juan doesn’t hail from Nantucket.
He’d not stash our votes in a bucket.
I am so sure,
that he is so pure,
he’d never say “Oh well, just f**k it.”

— Steve Martin

There’s a county employee named Ben
His knowledge of voting is Zen
He wants to be leader
He’ll never be a cheater
He’ll make sure every vote counts with a grin

— Ed Reagan


Or, I dunno, do you want to keep this going? It’s up to you! Send your great or terrible limerick in support of your favorite local candidate for office to, and put the words “Election Limerick” in the subject line.