K9 Ice | Photos provided by U.S. Forest Service.
“Ice,” the retired Shasta Trinity National Forest Service K9 who suffered multiple stab wounds while working Trinity County marijuana raids in 2016, and again during a bust in the Klamath National Forest in 2020, has died.
The U.S. The Forest Service announced today that Ice died on January 26, and will be remembered for his outstanding work in the line of duty.

The Ice Man in action.
“We are mourning the loss of one of the most devoted and hardworking employees within our Forest Service family,” the neighboring Six Rivers National Forest wrote on social media today. “Canine Ice spent his career right next to us on the Klamath National Forest. Ice was recognized as the most decorated canine in Law Enforcement and Investigations.”
Ice and his handler U.S. Forest Service Officer Chris Magallon received multiple Law Enforcement and Investigations awards throughout the years, including the Director’s Award for Bravery, Valor or Heroic Act in 2017, and the Director’s Impact Award in 2020.
A preview from the 2017 Hero Dog Awards, which aired on the Hallmark Channel.
Ice was also voted “top dog” in the Law Enforcement/Arson dog category at the 2017 American Humane Hero Dog Awards. The honors earned Ice and Magallon a trip to Hollywood, where Ice was honored as one of the finalists for American Hero Dog of the Year. That same year, Ice and Magallon also traveled to New York City to appear on the “Today Show.”
Ice on the “Today Show.”
“During his nine years of service, K-9 Ice fully exemplified the qualities of a high performing and consummate law enforcement canine, executing his specialized duties with utmost bravery and valor,” the U.S. Forest Service said in a statement today.
Ice retired in September of 2020, a month after suffering nine stab wounds while apprehending a suspect during a raid at an illegal marijuana grow in the Klamath National Forest.
“I have some great memories of Ice,” Six Rivers National Forest Supervisor Ted McArthur stated. “He was such a goofball when he was in the office and all business when he was working.”

K9 Ice | Photos provided by U.S. Forest Service.