Images provided by Gonazalez’s family
The family of late restaurateur Esteban Gonzalez – who died from pneumonia in January of 2021 – will be holding a celebration of Gonzalez’s life outside of Esteban’s Mexican Restaurant in Arcata on Sunday afternoon.
For the one year anniversary of Gonzalez’s passing, his nephew Luis Bazon told the Outpost, the family wanted to again share his memory with the community. The party will include two things that Gonzalez loved: mariachi music and food, with free tacos – both carne asada and vegetarian – being served.
Gonzalez was a beloved member of the community, known not only for his delicious food, but also for his generosity and willingness to help those in need. After his passing, the family received an outpouring of support and condolences, something that his family says has continued throughout the last year.

“We miss him a lot — especially with Christmas and the New Year,” Bazon told the Outpost. “It’s hard for the family. But a lot of people have been very supportive.”
The celebration will take place on Sunday, Jan. 16 from 1-5 p.m. on the block in front of the restaurant at 1021 I Street, Arcata. Of course, attendees should wear masks.