Stay cool, Humboldt.
While much of the Western U.S. braces for next week’s heat wave, Humboldt will be as cool as a dip in Swimmers’ Delight, daddy-o.
“Benign summer weather continues with robust coastal stratus and slightly above normal temperatures in the interior,” Eureka’s National Weather Service Office stated today. “Slight cooling is expected this weekend, with a bit more sun along the coast.”

A graphic forecast for the Northwestern U.S. on Monday. | NOAA
On Monday, interior areas of Northern California are forecast to see temperatures as hot as 106 degrees. We’re talking to you Redding. Humboldt’s interior valleys could also see temperatures in the low 100s.
After a mild weekend in the mid-to-high 60s, the greater Humboldt Bay area, meanwhile, is forecast for lovely 70-degree weather next week.
Now that’s cooly-cool, Hum-babies.

Eureka’s extended forecast. | NWS