State Parks forestry and trail crew conducting prescribed burns in Sinkyone Wilderness and Humboldt Redwoods State Parks 2023.
California Department of Parks and Recreation release:
California State Parks, in cooperation with CAL FIRE, are planning to begin a series of prescribed burns in Prairie Creek and Humboldt Redwoods State Parks starting as early as mid-September and possibly through November. Smoke and flames may be visible from the Newton B. Drury Parkway in Prairie Creek State Park and Mattole Road at Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
Forest management and prescribed burns are designed to reduce the encroachment of conifer trees and shrubs into prairies, as well as reduce fuel loads in the forests to lessen the likelihood of catastrophic wildfire. These proactive measures not only protect park infrastructure but also significantly reduce the chance of a catastrophic wildfire, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars while ensuring a safer environment for both the park and neighboring communities.
For thousands of years prior to European settlement and colonization, local Native American tribes regularly used fire to manage the various landscapes of our parks, shaping the ecosystems we see today. These traditional practices continue to play a vital role in sustaining the natural systems and biodiversity of the area. Returning fire helps to maintain these natural systems that can be threatened by a lack of fire and continue an ongoing resource management program designed to maintain prairie grasslands, enhance forage for wildlife, control exotic plant species, and maintain our old-growth forests for generations to come.