Put up last week, this billboard message has since been covered in graffiti. Photo: Griffin Mancuso.



Press release from the Humboldt County Human Rights Commission:

In recent weeks two billboards have appeared just south of Arcata, facing the southbound lanes of 101. These billboards have appeared to support a Zionistic approach to the world and have upset a number of residents in the area, It is not the goal of the Human Rights Commission to enter into a debate on the merits of the billboards, but to explain our purpose and goals. We hope to build harmony and the ability to vigorously debate issues without hate or malice.

The Commission is obliged to engage with the County of Humboldt and other governmental entities on behalf of underserved groups and individuals who may be affected by the policies of local government. We are not in the business of monitoring the speech rights of the client (who paid for the signs) or the rights of property owners (the sign company). We have received considerable feedback regarding both, but can see little appropriate action we can or should take.

The Commission encourages debate on the issues of the day. We encourage neighbors to respect the rights and voices of anyone with an opinion. We do not support disrespectful words or actions toward anyone, no matter how tempting that might be. We encourage the community to engage with the Commission if there is a concrete way for us to contribute to discourse in the community and to protect the rights of all our residents.