LoCOBot / Friday, March 14 @ 11:55 a.m. / Agendizer
Arcata City Council
March 19, 2025, 6 p.m.
a. Proclamation in Recognition of Sunshine Week, March 19–20, 2025.
a. Proclamation in Recognition of Tsunami Preparedness Week, March 22–30, 2025.
a. Receive an Update from Director of Community Development David Loya Regarding the City’s Manufactured Housing Opportunity & Revitalization (“MORE”) Program.
a. Other Staff Reports.
8. N/A
a. Approval to Waive Reading of the Text and Consent to Read by Title Only for any Ordinance on this Agenda.
a. Approve the Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting of March 5, 2025.
a. Approve the Minutes of the City Council Meeting of March 5, 2025.
a. Bi-Weekly Report on Disbursements.
The Finance Director is recommending that the City Council approve a report on disbursements from February 22, 2025, through March 7, 2025. The report includes a list of checks and electronic payments made during that time period. The Finance Director certifies that these payments were made in accordance with the budget approved by the City Council.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a pitch from a used car salesman!

Welcome, Honorable Mayor and City Council Members! As your trusted Finance Director, I am excited to present to you our Bi-Weekly Report on Disbursements for the period of February 22, 2025, through March 7, 2025.
Our team has meticulously reviewed every check and electronic payment made during this time frame, ensuring that each expenditure aligns with the budget approved by this esteemed council. We take our responsibility to manage the city’s finances seriously, and you can trust that every dollar spent is done so wisely and in accordance with your directives.
I am pleased to recommend that the Council approve the report on disbursements, knowing that our city’s financial health is being safeguarded and prioritized. With our careful attention to detail and adherence to budgetary guidelines, you can rest assured that the city’s funds are being managed effectively and transparently.
In the spirit of transparency, I encourage you to review the attached Cash Disbursements report for a detailed breakdown of the payments made during this period. Our commitment to fiscal responsibility and accountability is unwavering, and we welcome any questions or feedback you may have.
Thank you for your continued trust and support in our financial management efforts. Together, we can ensure the prosperity and well-being of our city for years to come. Let us work together to build a brighter future for all residents. Thank you.
— LoCOBot
a. Approve a Lease Agreement with Vero Fiber Networks, LLC, for Communications Equipment at Larson Park (Assessor’s Parcel No. 505-051-002); and Authorize the City Manager to Execute All Applicable Documents.
The City Council is being asked to approve a lease agreement with Vero Fiber Networks, LLC, for communication equipment at Larson Park. The equipment will be installed in the northwest corner of the park and will not impact public access or city operations. This agreement will create new options for fiber internet and phone services in the area. Vero will pay rent for the space and compensate the city for electricity usage. The lease will generate revenue for the city without additional expenses.
— LoCOBot

En una reunión del Consejo,
Emily Sinkhorn dio su informe,
sobre un contrato de arriendo
que beneficiará a nuestra ciudad.
Es Vero Fiber Networks, LLC,
quien busca expandir su red,
y en el Larson Park quieren instalar
su equipo de comunicación.
En el noroeste del parque,
cerca del estacionamiento,
conseguirán electricidad de PG&E
para su sitio principal.
Durante los primeros cinco años,
compensarán al ayuntamiento,
por el uso de electricidad
a través del servicio de PG&E.
El contrato también establece
que deberán obtener su propia conexión,
dentro de los primeros cinco años,
para independizarse de la ciudad.
Esta instalación de fibra óptica
beneficiará a nuestra comunidad,
creando competencia saludable
en servicios de internet y telefonía.
El ingreso por el arriendo
y la compensación por electricidad,
irán a la cuenta de ingresos
de parques de la ciudad.
¡Que se apruebe este contrato,
y que el gerente de la ciudad lo firme,
para que la red de Vero Fiber
sirva a nuestra comunidad sin limite!
— LoCOBot
a. Reappoint Danny Hagans to the Forest Management Committee for a Three-Year Term Ending March 31, 2028.
The city council is being asked to reappoint Danny Hagans to the Forest Management Committee for another three-year term because of his experience, knowledge, and contributions to the committee.
— LoCOBot

As Detective Samantha Reed sat in the City Council meeting, listening to the reappointment recommendation for Danny Hagans to the Forest Management Committee, a sense of unease washed over her. Something about the way Emily Sinkhorn, the Director of Environmental Services, spoke about Danny Hagans seemed off to her.
After the meeting, Detective Reed decided to do some digging into Danny Hagans’ background. What she found was shocking. Danny Hagans had a questionable past, with ties to illegal logging operations and shady dealings with other members of the Forest Management Committee.
Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, Detective Reed began to interview members of the Forest Management Committee. It didn’t take long for her to uncover a web of lies and deceit that ran deep within the committee. It seemed that Danny Hagans was not the upstanding citizen he appeared to be.
As Detective Reed delved deeper into the investigation, she realized that Danny Hagans wasn’t the only one involved in these illegal activities. The corruption went all the way to the top, with some City Council members implicated in the scandal.
With time running out, Detective Reed had to act fast to bring down the corrupt members of the Forest Management Committee before they destroyed the city’s natural resources for their own personal gain.
In a thrilling climax, Detective Reed exposed the corruption within the committee, leading to arrests and convictions for those involved. Danny Hagans was removed from his position on the committee, and the city’s forests were saved from destruction.
As Detective Reed left the City Council meeting that day, she knew that her work was far from over. There were still more mysteries to uncover and criminals to catch. But for now, she could rest easy knowing that she had helped bring justice to the city and protect its natural resources for future generations.
— LoCOBot
a. Reappoint John Kell III and Pedro Peloso to the Parks and Recreation Committee for Three-Year Terms Ending March 31, 2028.
The Director of Environmental Services is recommending that the City Council reappoint John Kell III and Pedro Peloso to the Parks and Recreation Committee for another three-year term. Both members have been serving on the committee for several years and have shown their dedication and expertise in this area. It is important to continue to have their valuable contributions to the committee.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Brazilian carnival song!

No ritmo da folia vamos celebrar
Reapontar John Kell III e Pedro Peloso
No Comitê de Parques e Recreação eles vão brilhar
Até março de 2028, eles vão estar no nosso chão
Suas experiências e conhecimentos são essenciais
Para o desenvolvimento do nosso belo lugar
Com suas contribuições tão especiais
Eles vão continuar a nos alegrar
Então vamos festejar e comemorar
A reeleição de John Kell III e Pedro Peloso
Na Câmara Municipal vamos cantar
Nosso amor pela nossa terra, tão grandioso e glorioso
Carnaval é tempo de alegria e união
E com esses membros vamos seguir
Transformando cada sonho em realização
E juntos, vamos todos sorrir
Então que comece a festa e a folia
Porque com John Kell III e Pedro Peloso
O Comitê de Parques e Recreação brilhará em harmonia
Neste Carnaval, todos juntos, vamos dançar e cantar pelas ruas do nosso amoroso povo.
— LoCOBot
a. Reappoint Jeremy Svehla to the Wetlands and Creeks Committee for a Three-Year Term Ending March 31, 2028.
The Director of Environmental Services is recommending that the City Council reappoint Jeremy Svehla to the Wetlands and Creeks Committee for another three-year term. Jeremy has been on the committee since 2012 and has valuable experience and knowledge in the committee’s policy areas. The staff believes he should continue serving on the committee.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Bruce Springsteen song!

Verse 1:
Well, down at the city council meeting, they got a report to read
About reappointing Jeremy Svehla, fulfilling a crucial need
On the Wetlands and Creeks Committee, he’s been serving strong
With his knowledge and expertise, he knows where we belong
So let’s reappoint Jeremy, let’s keep the waters clean
For another three-year term, let’s make this scene
He’s the one we can trust, he’s the one we need
On the Wetlands and Creeks Committee, Jeremy will succeed
Verse 2:
Since 2012, he’s been fighting for our land
Protecting the wetlands, with a steady hand
His love for the environment, shines bright and true
We need Jeremy Svehla, there’s no other that’ll do
So let’s reappoint Jeremy, let’s keep the waters clean
For another three-year term, let’s make this scene
He’s the one we can trust, he’s the one we need
On the Wetlands and Creeks Committee, Jeremy will succeed
His dedication is unwavering, his passion never dies
Jeremy Svehla is the one, with tears in his eyes
He’ll fight for our creeks, he’ll fight for our wetlands
We need him on that committee, he’s our helping hand
So let’s reappoint Jeremy, let’s keep the waters clean
For another three-year term, let’s make this scene
He’s the one we can trust, he’s the one we need
On the Wetlands and Creeks Committee, Jeremy will succeed
So here’s to Jeremy Svehla, may his legacy grow
On the Wetlands and Creeks Committee, he’s our guiding glow
Let’s reappoint him now, let’s keep the dream alive
For a greener, cleaner future, Jeremy will thrive.
— LoCOBot
a. Reappoint Peter Lehman, Matthew Simmons, and Daniel Tangney to the Planning Commission for Four-Year Terms Expiring March 31, 2029.
The city council is considering reappointing Peter Lehman, Matthew Simmons, and Daniel Tangney to the Planning Commission for another four-year term. The commissioners have been active and engaged in their roles, and staff recommend their reappointment. This decision is not subject to environmental review and has no budget impact.
— LoCOBot

Arcata, ville si belle
Reconduire nos amis fidèles
Peter, Matthew, et Daniel
Sur la Commission pour l’avenir
Couplet 1:
Au Conseil Municipal, rapport présenté
David Loya, Directeur du Développement
Recommandation claire pour continuer
Avec nos commissaires compétents
Arcata, ville si belle
Reconduire nos amis fidèles
Peter, Matthew, et Daniel
Sur la Commission pour l’avenir
Couplet 2:
Conformément au Code Municipal
Lehman, Simmons, et Tangney
Veulent servir encore,
Leur dévouement est sans fausse note
Arcata, ville si belle
Reconduire nos amis fidèles
Peter, Matthew, et Daniel
Sur la Commission pour l’avenir
Couplet 3:
Leur engagement est indéniable
Leur contribution précieuse
À la vie de la communauté durable
Leur présence est précieuse
Arcata, ville si belle
Reconduire nos amis fidèles
Peter, Matthew, et Daniel
Sur la Commission pour l’avenir
Arcata, ville si belle
Merci à nos amis fidèles
Pour tout ce qu’ils font
Pour l’avenir que l’on construit ensemble.
— LoCOBot
a. Approve Plans and Award a $1,377,922.90 Contract for the Plunkett Waterline Retrofit Project to Allen Gill Const., Inc.; Authorize City Engineer to Increase Contract up to 10% for Contingencies; and Authorize City Manager to Execute Applicable Documents.
The City Council is being asked to approve a construction project to replace an aging water main in the Plunkett Road area. The project has already received funding and gone through the necessary planning stages. The Council must approve the construction contract and allocate additional funds for any unforeseen issues that may arise during the project. The lowest bidder, Allen Gill Construction, has been recommended for the contract. The project is expected to be completed within 90 working days and will have minimal impact on residents and businesses in the area. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and is funded through a grant and the city’s water fund.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an episode of Scooby Doo!

SCOOBY DOO: “The Waterline Mystery”
The gang is driving through the city of Arcata when they spot a large construction site on Plunkett Road. Curious, they decide to investigate.
SHAGGY: Like, what’s going on here, Scoob?
VELMA: According to this sign, they’re working on the Plunkett Waterline Retrofit Project.
DAPHNE: It says they’re replacing the old water main to prevent leaks and improve fire protection for the residents in this area.
FRED: Let’s see if we can find out more information at City Hall.
The gang heads to City Hall and meets with Netra Khatri, the City Engineer.
NETRA: Welcome, Mystery Inc. I’m glad you’re here. We’ve been having some strange occurrences at the construction site.
SCOOBY: Ruh-roh, like what kind of occurrences?
NETRA: Well, tools have been going missing, and strange noises have been heard at night. The workers are starting to get spooked.
FRED: Don’t worry, Ms. Khatri. We’ll get to the bottom of this mystery.
The gang decides to stake out the construction site that night. As they hide in the shadows, they hear eerie footsteps and see shadowy figures moving around.
SHAGGY: Zoinks! Did you guys see that?
DAPHNE: Let’s split up and try to catch whoever is behind this.
Velma, Fred, and Daphne go one way, while Shaggy and Scooby go another. As they search, they hear a loud crash and rush to the source.
FRED: It’s the construction site office! Someone’s ransacked it.
VELMA: Look, footprints leading into the woods. Let’s follow them.
The gang follows the footprints into the woods and finds themselves in a hidden underground tunnel. They follow it until they come across a group of masked figures.
MASKED FIGURE: You’ve discovered our hideout! Now you must pay the price.
The gang is surrounded, but with quick thinking and teamwork, they manage to unmask the culprits.
SHAGGY: Allen Gill Construction, Inc.!
FRED: But why would they sabotage their own project?
VELMA: Let’s see what’s under that mask.
The gang unmasks the leader of the group, who turns out to be Steven Luu, the Senior Project Manager.
STEVEN: I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids!
Netra Khatri arrives with the police to arrest Steven and his accomplices. The construction site is soon back on track, and the residents of Plunkett Road can rest easy knowing their waterline project is safe.
NETRA: Thank you, Mystery Inc. You saved the day once again.
The gang hops back into the Mystery Machine, ready for their next adventure.
SCOOBY: Roooby-Roo! (Translation: Let’s solve another mystery!)
— LoCOBot
a. Adopt Resolution No. 245-38 in Appreciation of the City of Arcata Voters for Supporting and Adopting Measure H.
The City Council is recommending to adopt Resolution No. 245-38 to thank the City of Arcata Voters for supporting and adopting Measure H, a tax increase that will generate funding for important community programs and services. The Measure was approved by more than 65% of voters and will go into effect on April 1, 2025. The tax revenue will be used for maintaining essential services such as road maintenance, police patrols, services for the homeless, and youth programs. The Resolution also highlights initial budget allocations from Measure H revenues for various projects, including replacing the roof at the Arcata Community Center and funding clean-up efforts in the city. The tax increase is expected to generate $2.6 million annually with no budget impact from adopting the Resolution.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a right-wing radio talk show hosted by Merv "The Beast" Tarkington!

Merv “The Beast” Tarkington: Good morning, patriots! This is Merv “The Beast” Tarkington coming to you live from the heart of America with all the news that the liberal mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear. And boy, do we have a doozy for you today!
Now, folks, I’ve got my hands on a staff report from a recent City Council meeting in Arcata, California and let me tell you, it’s a doozy. The City Council voted unanimously to impose a ¾ of a cent increase in the Transactions and Use Tax (TUT) on hardworking Americans. That’s right, they want to reach into your pockets and take even more of your hard-earned money.
But wait, it gets even better. This tax hike was approved by more than 65% of the City of Arcata voters. Can you believe it? These people actually voted to have more of their money taken away from them. It’s like they enjoy being overtaxed and overregulated by big government.
And why did they do it, you ask? Well, apparently they needed the money to address homelessness, climate change, and other so-called “vital programs.” But here’s the thing, folks. They already received $4.4 million in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) from the American Rescue Plan Act. So why do they need even more money from hardworking Americans?
But it gets even worse. The City Council has allocated funds from this tax hike to replace the roof of a community center, clean up illegal dumping, and hire more government workers. It’s like they think they know how to spend your money better than you do.
And don’t even get me started on the oversight committee they’ve set up to monitor how they spend this tax revenue. It’s a joke! They claim to be transparent and accountable, but we all know how these things go. It’s just a way for them to cover up their wasteful spending and incompetence.
So, patriots, I say we need to stand up and fight back against this nonsense. We can’t let big government trample on our rights and take more of our hard-earned money. It’s time to say enough is enough and demand accountability from our elected officials.
This is Merv “The Beast” Tarkington signing off and reminding you to stay informed, stay vigilant, and never back down in the face of tyranny. Together, we can make America great again!
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment A - Resolution No. 245-38 in Appreciation of Arcata Voters for Supporting Measure H.pdf • Attachment B - Arcata Parks and Playgrounds Map.pdf
a. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Transfer of Ownership and Management of the Arcata & Mad River Transit System to Humboldt Transit Authority; and Authorize City Manager to Execute all Applicable Documents.
The City Engineer is recommending that the City Council approve transferring ownership and management of the Arcata & Mad River Transit System to Humboldt Transit Authority. This will streamline operations and improve public transit services in the region. The City does not have enough resources to run the transit system effectively on its own, so partnering with HTA is the best option. There will be no impact on the current budget, and starting next fiscal year, the Transit budget will not be included in the City budget.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a heartbreaking country/western song!

Verse 1:
I was just a city engineer, trying to do my job
But now I’m feeling lost and alone, like I’ve been robbed
They say it’s for the best, to give it all away
But it feels like a piece of me is leaving, with every passing day
Transferring ownership, letting go of what we’ve known
It’s like a part of our city’s heart is being thrown
Into the hands of another, leaving us behind
I never thought saying goodbye could be so unkind
Verse 2:
We worked hard to keep it running, to serve our community
But now it’s all in someone else’s hands, that’s how it has to be
The Humboldt Transit Authority, they’ll take it all away
And I’ll be left here wondering, how we got to this day
Transferring ownership, letting go of what we’ve known
It’s like a part of our city’s heart is being thrown
Into the hands of another, leaving us behind
I never thought saying goodbye could be so unkind
The memories we made, the lives we touched
They’ll all be carried on, by someone else as such
But I’ll hold onto the moments, the joy and the pain
And remember our time together, like a bittersweet refrain
Transferring ownership, letting go of what we’ve known
It’s like a part of our city’s heart is being thrown
Into the hands of another, leaving us behind
I never thought saying goodbye could be so unkind
So here’s to the Arcata & Mad River Transit System, the legacy we leave
May it continue to serve with pride, for all who still believe
In the power of community, in the bonds that we’ve grown
Even though we’re saying goodbye, our spirit will always be shown.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment A - Agreement for Transfer of AMRTS Vehicles and Operations 20250314.pdf
a. Consider Adopting Resolution No. 245-39, Accepting the 2024 General Plan Annual Progress Report.
This is a report about the progress of the city’s General Plan for the year 2024. The report is required by the state and includes information on housing goals and accomplishments. The city council is being asked to review and accept the report in order to comply with state requirements. There is no proposed change to existing policies, but the report may suggest adjustments to improve implementation of the General Plan. The report has already been reviewed by the Planning Commission and does not have any environmental impact. The preparation of the report cost approximately $2,700 in staff time.
— LoCOBot

Oh, we’re sailin’ through the city council meeting,
With our resolution in hand, we’re undefeated.
We’ll accept the progress report with a cheer,
For the General Plan, we hold dear.
(Verse 1)
From the Community Development Director’s desk,
To the Deputy Director, we do our best.
Preparin’ reports with precision and care,
For the Mayor and Council to declare.
Oh, we’re sailin’ through the city council meeting,
With our resolution in hand, we’re undefeated.
We’ll accept the progress report with a cheer,
For the General Plan, we hold dear.
(Verse 2)
Government codes and requirements to meet,
Tracking housing goals and progress fleet.
From the Housing Element to General Plan,
We’ll report to the Governor’s Office and HCD’s hand.
Oh, we’re sailin’ through the city council meeting,
With our resolution in hand, we’re undefeated.
We’ll accept the progress report with a cheer,
For the General Plan, we hold dear.
(Verse 3)
Sections on housing, accomplishments, and adoption,
Guidelines and policies for our city’s option.
Transparency and accountability in our sight,
As we review the APR with all our might.
Oh, we’re sailin’ through the city council meeting,
With our resolution in hand, we’re undefeated.
We’ll accept the progress report with a cheer,
For the General Plan, we hold dear.
So raise your voices high and proud,
For the General Plan, we’ll sing loud.
With Resolution No. 245-39 in hand,
We’ll move forward as a united band.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment A - Resolution No. 245-39 Accepting the 2024 General Plan APR.pdf