Our Culture

June 2010

Holding Hands

May 2010

Greening the Grow—KQED Talks About Marijuana and the Environment

SoHumBorn Sunday:Unexpected Conclusion

Medical Marijuana—Now and in the Future

April 2010

SoHumBorn Sunday: Weathering the Storm Part 2

Big Agribuisness not Humboldt Grower's Competitor in Near Future

Only in Humboldt—Check Out the North Coast Journal

It's 4/20 —- Time to Figure Out What to Do to Prepare for Legalization

SoHumBorn Sunday: Weathering the Storm (Part 1)

Grow Pot Across from the Sheriff's Station…

SoHumBorn Sunday: Bear Harbor

Other End of the Line: SoHumBorn Sunday

March 2010

Grieving the Change

SoHumBorn Sunday: Unexpected Company

Grocery Shopping Humboldt—Choose Carefully—The Dynamics have Changed Since Last Year

SFGate (The Chronicle Online) Perks Up at the Mention of Post Pot Economy

The Fog of Prohibition

Nude Bicyclist: Don't You Love the North Coast?

What's After Pot

SoHumBorn Sunday

Homeless is More than a Problem, It is a Girl

January 2010

Toking Tourists and a Marijuana Museum Here in Humboldt

December 2009

Historical Times for the Marijuana Movement

October 2009


Welcome to Arcata—Pot City

One Step Closer to Legalizing Marijuana?

The Aftermath of Hacker Creek

September 2009

Of Outlaws

No Legal Recourse

August 2009

Code of the Culture

Clippers—A Large Part of the Marijuana Culture

"End the Marijuana Raids" the California Senate Urges the Feds

Sunshine and Shadow: Two Views of the Marijuana Culture and the Children Raised in it?

July 2009

History is a Mystery to This New Blog

Hospice Quilt

June 2009

Quailing in the Dust-Mountain Quail

Walk on the Wild Side with Beef from the Creek

May 2009

Only in Humboldt: Sheriff Trucks Loaded with Marijuana

All the King's Horses: Malachi's Accident

April 2009

Unzipping the Medical Marijuana Controversy: Mendocino Sheriff and Supes talk Zip Ties

Mexican Congress Debating Legalizing Marijuana


March 2009

When Marijuana is Legalized…Let's Think Proactively

February 2009

Marijuana Culture on the North Coast: KSLG Interview with Eric Sligh, Sohumborn, and me

Shop Smart —Shop Dumb

January 2009

Blowing Smoke?: The CNBC/High Times Medicinal Marijuana Slideshow

National Day of Service/National Year of Service

December 2008

New Salmon Creek Quilt

Sun Bud Favored over Indoor at this Year's Emerald Cup

November 2008

Too Far to a Service Station

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