
Reading this article explains why we (Chris and Jeanne Chapin) have decided to leave our property to the Wiyot tribe when we pass away. The acres and trees where we …

With the third corrupt housing collapse looming since 1980, how can the county supervisors and eureka city council possibly consider approval of another large subdivision near redwood acres?the deepest pocked …

For those of you who haven’t noticed, no matter where you get your electricity PG&E gets most of the payment for delivering it.

If one of the world’s largest untapped sources of natural gas was not located off the coast of Gaza called Leviathan wouldTrump still want to deport Palestinian people and turn …

This kind of causation produces karmic disturbances that present as waveforms that carry their information and propagate through spacetime. These waveforms don’t dissipate but reverberate and are progenitors of negative …

This is why I don’t respect anyone who says their family were part of the original settlers. They’re descendants of murderers and benefit (via generational wealth) from their ancestors psychopathic …

On that note…

The secret with AI and poetry is that most modern Americans can’t recognize good poetry or have been taught to focus on style over substance by misguided english teachers. The …

No precautionary principles? keep trees and brush away and build it away from the river.

Will refrain from making hooker jokes. Though it is also known as the Hooker Willow.

Yup! Americans, even the ones who tend to be progressive don’t realize how detrimental the “convenience culture” is. Convenience culture habits are just plain laziness. The excuse of “no time” …

It’s not a major fire hazard. It’s a small footprint. And the battery type used here won’t pose a threat.

America’s DNA!

From pandemic to epidemic the plague of our streets,Shopping carts with nill belongings covered by sheetsTimber once bountiful, ships heading the bay,The smell of the mill, and rain every day,No …

So sad. Brett was a super nice guy. Used to see him at Salty’s and around Trinidad. He was so young. My heart ❤️ goes out to his family and …

It seems like something that should be routinely taught in school. Apparently it was only because I had a teacher willing to talk about it.

Define “by yourself”

I was thinking hopefully there’s people around to sing songs about the horrors that are being set to play out on undocumented fellow human beings being sent to Guantanamo. Sadist …

You may be the exception as most people didn’t know anything about it until 20-30 years ago. There was never a single mention of it growing up in eureka 80s-90s …

It’s ridiculously expensive.

Mine definitely did.

What do you mean? That was 56 years ago and he shed his mortal coil 30 years ago.

You’re so cool! I wish I could be more like you.

Sic Semper Tyranis!

It already has vacated the community a few years ago. Where you been?

They will keep a black market alive if they hand down prison sentences. You want weed to be in the hands of one large company then they need to grow …

I’m with u on that. I responded to the poll without even reading yours and said nearly the same thing.

Phillip/Morris will monopolize the weed industry. Trump and Musk will make that easier by making cannabis federally legal to smoke, but only corporations will b able to manufacture and distribute. …

Thanks for the suggestion! Just downloaded it.

Agree, I don’t buy meat at the farmers market often. It’s incredible how good that food makes you feel. Probably 90% of my diet is farmers market food today. It …

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