Humboldt News Sources
Wednesday, Jan. 15
Times-Standard : Throwback Thursday | Scotia Hospital fully operational after Dec. 15, 1924 opening
RHBB: Young Girl Injured in Electric Scooter Collision with Truck in McKinleyville Tonight
RHBB: Mendocino Man Dies After Fall from Cliffs Near Portuguese Beach
Times-Standard : Man convicted in violent rape to be released after sentencing because of time served
RHBB: County Open to Yee Haw Permitting but Outcome Uncertain
RHBB: Humboldt County Encourages Residents to Create Personal Emergency Plans for 2025
Tuesday, Jan. 14
RHBB: Body Recovered Near Mendocino Cliffs This Afternoon
NCJ: Supes Talk Healthcare Forum, Pellet Plant Draft EIR
Times-Standard : Humboldt County supervisors OK letter of concern over wood pellet project
Times-Standard : Supervisor Natalie Arroyo digs into health care provider shortage
Times-Standard : Missing man David Allen Moore found dead in hard-to-spot vehicle off roadway along SR299
RHBB: Waiving Sovereign Immunity a ‘Sticking Point’ for Tribal Wildfire Grants
RHBB: Utility Company Conducting Line Inspections by Drone in Crescent City Area
RHBB: Six Rivers National Forest Firefighters Deployed to Assist Southern California Fires
Monday, Jan. 13
RHBB: Alert: VOIP Callers in Mendocino County May Experience 911 Disruptions
RHBB: Second Traffic Collision Reported on Hwy 101 North of Berry Glenn; Icy Conditions Suspected Both Collisions
Times-Standard : Eureka to retool homeless ordinances and study action plan Tuesday
Times-Standard : Rio Dell brainstorming slaughterhouse
RHBB: Vehicle Slides Off Highway 101 Amid Icy Conditions in Northern Humboldt
Times-Standard : Humboldt County supervisors to discuss ‘critical shortcomings’ in proposed wood pellet project
RHBB: BLM Acquires Lost Coast Redwoods Property in Northern California
RHBB: ‘Consider the Gift of Carbon Offsets From the Arcata Community Forest’: City of Arcata
Saturday, Jan. 11
Times-Standard : Heroes of the Redwoods | Nezzie Wade nominated for tireless homeless advocacy
Times-Standard : North Coast Rape Crisis Team faces massive funding loss
Times-Standard : Civic calendar | Busy week ahead for local governments
RHBB: Missing Roseville Man Found Deceased in Trinity County
RHBB: Attorney General Bonta: Urges Walmart to Recommit to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs
Friday, Jan. 10
RHBB: [UPDATE 7:07 p.m.: One-way Traffic Control] Semi-Truck Accident Near Confusion Hill May Close Southbound 101; Pallets of Dirt Spill Across Roadway
RHBB: Green Diamond: Prescribed Burning Planned for Williams Ridge Today
RHBB: Tragic Double Fatality in Eureka Apartment Fire
Times-Standard : Photos | An afternoon at the zoo
RHBB: Major Roadwork Scheduled Friday, January 10 through Thursday, January 16
Thursday, Jan. 9
RHBB: Thumbs-Up Signals Safe End to Search for Missing Mattole River Rafters
NCJ: Sheriff's Office Investigating Death of Man Found Under Hoopa Bridge
RHBB: Department of Aviation to Host Public Meetings to Discuss Draft Airport System Plan Study
Times-Standard : Humboldt County fire crews aid in SoCal firefighting efforts
Times-Standard : Fire chief Prepare for fires in wake of 10 recent burn injuries including firefighters
Mad River Union: Unrestrained toddler killed
Mad River Union: Patricia Jane Chaney, 1944-2024
Mad River Union: Joan Martien, 1943-2024
Mad River Union: STATE OF ARCATA 2025
Mad River Union: Special Olympics robbed
Mad River Union: Arcata, McK and Hoopa see flurry of shootings
Mad River Union: Whooping Cough cases rising, vaccination urged
Mad River Union: Fairy New Year
RHBB: North Coast Firefighters Mobilize to Assist Southern California Amid Devastating Wildfires
Wednesday, Jan. 8
RHBB: Department of Transportation Awards $15 Million to Rebuild Arcata Interchange on 101
RHBB: Solar Energy Park in Kern County, Boosts Clean Energy for California Homes and Humboldt County Goals, Says RCEA