Voting is closed.
Think Humboldt County is beautiful? Got Instagram on your intelligent phone? Use #HumboldtCounty to place an image here and (temporarily) on LoCOโs homepage. Or just vote on your neighborsโ fine pics below. More details here.
REMINDER: Not everyone whose photo appears here necessarily knows that they’re playing our game, right? Remember that.
#21. Zack Cunningam

12:27 p.m.: In 2005 I backpacked the Lost Coast for the first time. It was my first trip with a camera, and became the trip that got me into photography. Pretty stoked on 10 years of good times, some killer adventures, and being able to make a living doing what I love!
#19. Michelle Tuel

10:25 a.m.: Samoa Beach #dunes #samoa #beach #samoabeach #humboldtcounty #northerncalifornia #norcal #westcoast #pacificocean #california #californiacoast
#18. โพ Ellie โพ

9:30 a.m.: #TheAmazingRoadTrip #TrinidadStateBeach #HumboldtCounty #cliffsideswing #getlostonpurpose #justagirlandherdog #letyourdogleadtheway
#17. April Johnson Stearns

8:30 a.m.: We followed that beautiful ribbon of highway that clings to the edge of the continent, Highway 1, from moody, foggy Marin County till it crashed into the 101 a few hundred miles later near the South Fork of the Eel River in Humboldt County: about 11 hours of slow-going twists and turns, the Pacific our constant muse. Now we've been on the 101 for about 6 hours so far. Sometimes it's cliffy, sometimes it's redwoody, other times it's huge valleys and rundown towns, all zipping by in a 70 mph blur. It's good to be on the road.
#14. Paul S

4:11 p.m.: Woot, go crabs! #humboldtcrabs #baseball #humboldtcounty #oysterfest @skand0 with your mom!
#13. blakeg_88

4:35 p.m.: Taking the whole #weekend to #getright and I go out in the #backyard and for the first time took a second to #appreciate how these #weeds that took over have some #badass #beautiful #flowers A reminder that even the worst of us have something #benificial to offer! New #begginings #single and #gettingright #cleanandsober #clean #sober #MotherNature #nature #explore #discover #truebeauty #doing #me #nevergiveup on your #dreams #hopes and #Ambitions #humboldtcounty #humboldt #humboldtlife #humboldtlivin
#12. Shannan Cherrison

3 p.m.: So I was on my way home from work today and out of know where I noticed this light I couldn't believe how old it was so I had to take a picture of it #EurekaCali #HumboldtCounty #Old #Morning #Lights
#11. .k.a.t.i.e.๐ธ

3:05 p.m.: #throwback to a week ago. Remind me why we came back again? #humboldtcounty #norcal #beachbum #takemeback
#10. Shannan Cherrison

7:59 p.m.: Enjoying the flowers. While sitting on the porch drinking my coffee! It's my morning. #HumboldtCounty #EurekaCali #Porch #Flowers #Coffee #MyMorning
#8. megzter1

6:45 p.m.: Horsing around at Oyster Fest. #EyeofFablett #sunnyday #arcata #arcataoysterfestival #humboldtcounty #shadowplay #lushartistry #humboldtessence
#7. ๐ธ๐ Jillian ๐ด๐ธ

8:21 p.m.: ๐ #gardening #mybeautifullife #eureka #flowers #nature #mansionlife #flower #fuchsia #humboldtcounty #californiasun #caligirl #cali #california #lifeisgood #beautiful #natural #mygarden #myflowergarden #myflowers #love #myworld #mylife #myway #spoiled
#5. Diamond Doll

7:49 p.m.: #VelellaVelella #TrinidadStateBeach #humboldtcounty #california #BeachLife #DeadBee
#4. Diamond Doll

7:51 p.m.: #VelellaVelella #humboldtcounty #TrinidadStateBeach #california #BeachLife #ILoveItHere
#3. Acacia Raines

7:53 p.m.: Cute ass little oyster cookies someone made at the arcata oyster festival
#2. Diamond Doll

7:55 p.m.: #VelellaVelella #humboldtcounty #california #TrinidadStateBeach #ILoveItHere #LifesABeach
#1. CD Sanderson

8:37 p.m.: #mushies #fungi #fungus #shroom #redwoodsforest #mushrooms #rainforest #humboldtcounty #cute #damp #mushroomtop #tall #cap #nature #redwoodcurtain #natural #understory
#0. Branden Williams

8:02 p.m.: #photograhy #photo #photos #portrait #portraitphoto #portraitphotography #portraits #glamour #glamourphoto #fashion #fashionphoto #fashionphotography #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtphotography #eureka #eurekaphotography #girl #girls #strapless #alley #graffiti #blonde #model #modelmayhem