Voting is closed.
Think Humboldt County is beautiful? Got Instagram on your intelligent phone? Use #HumboldtCounty to place an image here and (temporarily) on LoCO’s homepage. Or just vote on your neighbors’ fine pics below. More details here.
REMINDER: Not everyone whose photo appears here necessarily knows that they’re playing our game, right? Remember that.
#1. Tuel Photography

5:42 a.m.: *Amazing* sunset…no filter, no enhancement. Just nature doing her thing. :) #sunset #orangeglow #skyporn #reflection #zerofilter #beautifulview #blessed #eureka #woodleyislandmarina #humboldtcounty #northerncalifornia
#21. Casey

2:31 p.m.: Things got sketchy today out in the redwoods. 15ft drop on either side and mean downhill angle. Stoked to finally get over the fear I've had of this log and ride down it. So much fun to feel that rush! #conqueryourfears #downhill #downhillmountainbiking #fox #humboldtcounty #logride #finally #specializedbikes #balance #dontfall #diditformyself
#20. Forrest

1:15 p.m.: #iceplant #plants #botany #livingorganisms #humboldt #HumboldtCounty #707 #California #northcoast #westcoast #humblehumboldt #nature #outdoors
#19. Alexandra Marie

12:46 p.m.: I stand with Planned Parenthood. They have been an abundant resource for me in times if need, when I was without insurance, when I needed someone to talk to and understand what I was going through, to validate real life issues and provide resolutions. #standwithplannedparenthood #plannedparenthood #standup #riseup #support #love #local #pastelsontheplaza2015 #humboldtcounty
#18. Rene.Rose.Anne

5:49 p.m.: 🐝Love bees🐝|🌹Exploring is awesome, but sometimes the simple things in your own back yard can be pleasing too😊
#17. Meow Meow

1:15 p.m.: Calm #picoftheday #humboldtcounty #instahub #native #nofilter #northwestisbest #pacificnorthwest #nature_perfection
#16. Bob Doran

8:34 a.m.: This day in history, once upon a time, #ElPulpoMechanico flamed on in #HumboldtCounty, with #Flatmo at the controls…
#15. monothomo

10:52 a.m.: #tothehorizonwithus #toinfinityandbeyond #classicschwinn #schwinn #humboldtcounty
#14. Meow Meow

2:21 p.m.: It's all you've got. #nature_perfection #pacificnorthwest #northwestisbest #nofilter #humboldtcounty #picoftheday #instahub #sequoiassempirvirens #grandfir #abiesgrandis
#13. Cassie Kifer

10:36 a.m.: New post: A travel guide + photos from our trip to Humboldt County, California. Link in bio👆 #humboldt #humboldtcounty #redwoods #forest #ontheblog
#11. Forrest

1:12 p.m.: #humboldt #humblehumboldt #HumboldtCounty #707 #humboldtredwoods #redwood #redwoodcurtain #redwoodtrees #northerncalifornia #northcoast #westcoast #talltrees #serenity #peaceful #relaxing #freespirit #livinglife #inlove #california #photos #photography
#10. Sean Patton

5:58 p.m.: #crazy #forest #tunnel #what's #on #the #other #side #somewhere #near #the #coast #707 #humboldtcounty #trinidad
#8. Kathleen Stivers

7:24 p.m.: This place we live in just takes my breath away. #kathleenamelia #kathleenameliaphotography #kathleenameliaphotographer #eureka #eurekaca #eloped #elopement #elopementphotography #norcal #norcalwedding #redwoods #redwoodtrees #forrestwedding #humco #humboldt #humboldtcounty #bride #groom #brideandgroom
#7. Pakou Vang ★

8:53 p.m.: Thought it wouldn't be so hard doing the same act again. But it has turned out much harder this time around. When the pressure is on me and everyone lay their decisions in my hand and have me take the responsibility of every mistake, and every excuse. Yet we all share the achievements. Give me a little break. Life is already hard enough for me right now. Can someone give me a hand to depend on. :( #stress #behind #alittlehelp #please #humboldtcounty
#6. Stop Ignorance #FreeDaTruth

8:55 p.m.: By @joaquin_sclabs via @RepostWhiz app: Regram from @sc_labs - brings you the industries most comprehensive #terpene test 🔬 with 30+ #terpenes profiled. Be sure to ask for both Potency (THCa, THC, CBDa, CBD, CBN) as well as a Terpene test so that you can identify a quality product that will fit your needs as a patient consumer 👷🏼 or as a provider distinguish your product as #topshelf 🔬 #labtestedmeds #sclabs #cannabis #thescienceofcannabis #terps #terpdownforwhat #sc_labs #labtested #cannabiscommunity #wfayo #cannabisscience #theemeraldcup #humboldt #humboldtcounty #concentratedscience #sclabscertified #qualitycannabis #thcscience #terpvilleUSA #rosin #cbdscience #sativa #indica #hybrid #hightimesmagazine #legalweed #herbnlife
#5. Alexis Marie👑

8:32 p.m.: U.S. Blues Train 🚆 ✖@bluegrassglass ✖@humboldtenail Got to meet this amazing artists, as well as see him work behind the torch, very greatfull for this! 😍 #bluegrass #glassofig #usblues #humboldtglassgathering #functionalart #bluegrassglass #norcal #humboldtcounty
#4. Woodcutter's Daughter

4:55 p.m.: Hand hammered 14KT gold fill ring with quartz and feather charms. Perfect for stacking! #feather #feathers #leaf #leaves #layering #boho #boheme #bohemian #bohostyle #bohobeauty #wanderlust #global #festival #festivalstyle #festivalfashion #freespirit #artisan #etsy #handmade #humboldtcounty #humboldt #madeinhumboldt #woodcuttersdaughter #quartz #quartzcrystal #crystal #crystalpoint #stackingrings #ring #layeredrings
#3. Rob Jensen @ RampArt Skatepark

7:43 p.m.: Kid's got pop! Jules boosting the funbox. 📷 @samarmanino #rampart #arcata #humboldt #humboldtcounty
#2. Liz Lux

6:49 p.m.: Did you know that monkeys live in the Redwoods? Here's proof! #plants #truth #plantsarefriends #medicine #humboldtcounty #herb
#1. Woodcutter's Daughter

4:57 p.m.: Gorgeously detailed leaves with fiery labradorite. Perfect for fall! #feather #feathers #boho #boheme #bohemian #bohostyle #bohobeauty #wanderlust #global #festival #festivalstyle #festivalfashion #freespirit #artisan #etsy #handmade #humboldtcounty #humboldt #madeinhumboldt #woodcuttersdaughter #leaves #leaf #labradorite #earrings #fall #fallfashion
#0. Donald Good (GGH)

7:44 p.m.: @millimikewarren #millimadness #milli #Humboldtcounty #artist #glass #redwoods #handmade #awsomepeople #art #headyglass