Voting is closed.
Think Humboldt County is beautiful? Got Instagram on your intelligent phone? Use #HumboldtCounty to place an image here and (temporarily) on LoCO’s homepage. Or just vote on your neighbors’ fine pics below. More details here.
REMINDER: Not everyone whose photo appears here necessarily knows that they’re playing our game, right? Remember that.
#33. Timothy Sakhuja

8:15 a.m.: A surprise cauliflower mushroom from this weekend's hike in Humboldt. #sparassis #radicata #mushrooms #humboldtcounty #humboldt
#31. Terren Mott

10:24 a.m.: Some believe fairy tales are a lie, I do purpose they might be a touch of a lie but who could compare when one leaves you so satisfied ? #MyFairyTale #SwingSpot #HumboldtCounty #LoveOfMyLife #BeautifulSkies #HappiestWithYou 💙
#30. Wendy Rose Choate

11:41 a.m.: conditions at #camelrock #trinidadca #humboldtcounty at the moment. #surfing is a no go. #cycling got the green light for today.
#29. Monica Topping

12:39 p.m.: Duck pond with my sweet kid. No turtles in sight today. #Alton #nofilter #sequoiapark #duckpond #eureka #humboldtcounty
#28. Jennifer

12:20 a.m.: ♡♡ #redwoods #mushrooms #fungi #penny #happypenny #humboldtcounty #northerncalifornia #trinidad #firstrain
#27. Jason Hartwick

1:22 p.m.: They're either discussing the days hot steelhead fly or the location of Bigfoot! Who knows with this crew. Good times with good friends. @aquaflies
#26. Jennifer

12:24 a.m.: Mushroom hunting. #sundayfunday #fungi #humboldtcounty #northerncalifornia
#24. jbmaryn

1:14 p.m.: I'm always most inspired by fall #fallisintheair #fall #flowers #boutique #jbmaryn #humboldtmade #humboldtcounty
#23. Humboldt County's Own

1:33 p.m.: The finished pumpkin. Stay posted to see the weight. #Humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtcountysown #emerald #emeraldtriangle #harvest #tistheseason #grow #hydro #fullsun
#22. Arcata, CA

7:01 a.m.: Friends of the dunes #arcatatown #pacific #ocean #seaweed #humboldtstate #livefromhsu #arcata #humboldtcounty #hsu #humboldt #manila #california #norcal #lostcoast #humboldtstateofmind
#21. inspire & create ✏🎨📷

9:36 a.m.: Great spot to sit #draw on the #westcoast in #humboldtcounty #california #redwoods at my back and #blueocean at my #fingertips
#18. Caitlin Ehnow

12:52 p.m.: I'm so glad that my school doesn't celebrate Columbus Day ☺️ hopefully In the next few years we can completely abolish it as a holiday. Ps if you try to argue in his favor you should be ashamed of yourself because your defending someone who turned 9 year old girls into sex slaves and chopped off the hands of men who didn't find enough gold for him. To celebrate him is not only racist but it's extremely offensive against women as well. "Everyone was doing it" is no excuse. Back in the day it was common for entire schools in the south to get days off for lynching, but no one in their right mind would ever argue that that was okay. #assholes #pleasedontcelebratesexslavery #collegeoftheredwoods #humboldtcounty
#15. norcaloldgrom

4:29 p.m.: Big sets today. Big a frames out the back! No one out though. Waiting for low tide? #humboldtcounty #moonstonebeach #sharktoberswell15
#14. Tulip Perfume

11:48 a.m.: Three varieties my fiancé grew this season! #humboldtcounty #harvest #tomatoes #healthyeating
#12. Tulip Perfume

7:07 p.m.: Our beautiful barn! #foxfarm #humboldtcounty #tulipperfume #rustic #solarpowered #offgrid
#10. Caitlin Ehnow

8:01 p.m.: Obnoxious signs at the Pumpkin Patch 😜 #arcata #california #humboldtcounty
#9. Arielle

6:12 p.m.: I love fall🍂🍁! The biggest tree at school is changing its leaves so dramatically and I love it💗🍄🎶! #collegelife #norcal #humboldt #hsu #nature #leaveschanging #beautiful #pretty #love #humboldtcounty #senioryear
#5. Kathleen Stivers

7:40 p.m.: I loved getting to know this stunning family and the story behind each of their happily ever afters! I cannot wait to grow old with my husband and watch our children have children of their own. It makes my heart so happy. #kathleenamelia #kathleenameliaphotography #kathleenameliaphotographer #family #eureka #eurekaca #humboldt #humco #humboldtcounty #norcal #river #familyphoto #familyphotography #california #californiafamilyphotography #extendedfamily #love #fall #holidayphoto #eurekaphotography