Voting is closed.
Think Humboldt County is beautiful? Got Instagram on your intelligent phone? Use #HumboldtCounty to place an image here and (temporarily) on LoCO’s homepage. Or just vote on your neighbors’ fine pics below. More details here.
REMINDER: Not everyone whose photo appears here necessarily knows that they’re playing our game, right? Remember that.
#1. Rene.Rose.Anne

9:27 a.m.: 🌅⛵️Orange Bay| Eureka, Ca…. Isn't it always worth waiting out that hour, for that one perfect moment?😏😊
#25. forgetmenotphotobooth

1:10 p.m.: #forgetmenotphotobooth at #humboldtbotanicalgardens All set up for the #gala. If you're looking for a way to spend your afternoon in #humboldtcounty make this your destination.
#24. Rudy Trussler

1:16 p.m.: The original sea gangsters. #humboldtcounty #eurekacalifornia #boardwalk
#21. Spencer Dybdahl Riffle

3:02 p.m.: THIS is a Southern Torrent! 😀 - #HumboldtCounty, #California. #ca #Cali #NorCal #westcoast #nature #natureporn #wildlife #wild #animal #amphibian #salamander #herp #herping #californiaherps #macro #small #tiny #cute #adorable #baby #bebe #bae #canon #nofilter #instagood •
#14. Jamie Lee

2:02 p.m.: Serene and beautiful. #samoadunesrecreationarea #eureka #california #humboldtcounty
#12. Lorelei Alli

2:22 p.m.: Eel river. #eelriver #river #driedup #drought #nature #photography #summertime #summer #california #humboldtcounty #humboldt
#11. Katherine

7:38 p.m.: So many places to explore🐌 #arcatacommunityforest #humboldt #humboldtcounty
#10. Meta Street Cafe

1:17 p.m.: Sarah and her family take unconventional road trips; they travel in the family plane. Sarah’s husband, Stewart, is a pilot and flies a small plane around the state of California, often with his family strapped in. One year, we met them in Joshua Tree National Park for a New Year’s camping celebration when Thorin was a baby. They landed in a small desert airport and pulled camping gear out from behind their seats, Stewart holding a small dog. Their latest trip was an end-of-summer family trip to Humboldt County to visit family where Stewart’s mother made this broiled salmon recipe. She is one of the best cooks Sarah knows, so take good notes. And, although they have offered us a seat in the plane, I am a “white-knuckler” when it comes to flying, so I will stick to the road for road trips and happily greet them at small desert airports. #HumboldtCounty #redwoodtrees #gianttrees #Arcata #Humboldt #forest
#7. alexandraviolet

8:18 p.m.: #avenueofgiants #humboldtcounty #redwoods #bigfootcountry #treehugger
#6. Mel Hatfield🌻

7:43 p.m.: It was a wonderful Saturday to drive The Wildcat and have a picnic at Mattole Beach! #humboldtcounty #mattole #lostcoast
#4. storkface

7:33 p.m.: Thick fog covering the valley as night falls. #humboldtcounty #humboldt #edgeoftheworld #arcata
#3. Spencer Dybdahl Riffle

7:11 p.m.: This is what an adult Southern Torrent looks like: - #HumboldtCounty, #California. #ca #Cali #NorCal #westcoast #nature #natureporn #wildlife #wild #animal #amphibian #salamander #herp #herping #californiaherps #macro #small #tiny #cute #adorable #canon #nofilter #instagood #707 •
#1. Andrew Heritage Lifestyle

8:20 p.m.: Positive energy surrounds us all, do not be afraid to be receptive! Hope everyone had a beautiful Saturday and had the opportunity to get out of the house. 📷💨 #EventPhotography #Culture #Nikon #Raw #Nofilter #HumboldtHotsauce #Diversity #Lifestyle #HumboldtPride #HumboldtCounty #DowntownEureka #EqualLove #BeautifulDay #Eureka #Photography #Organic #WestCoast #NorCal #HalvorsenPark #NoFilter #Ocean
#0. Vampin' Gamer

8:03 p.m.: Humboldt killing Azusa Pacific #humboldt #lumberjacks #hsu #humboldtcounty #humboldtstate