light on Humboldt mutt bud

Light on Humboldt:

Late August Budding

Frequent Photo

What are the codes of the marijuana culture?

I thought I put out a few and see if anyone had some to add or wanted to modify mine. (Note I’m not saying I agree with these totally—in fact, I believe some can have negative social effects—I’m just trying to cup my hands and hold a handful of this smokey amorphous culture I’ve come to love.)

1. Since you can’t depend on the government to help, you have to be willing to pitch in and help your neighbors—time, money, emotional support—we’re all on the same side so we have to help each other.

2. Never ask anyone what they do for a living.  It is incredibly rude and marks you as an outsider.

3. Always offer a hit off of your joint to anyone standing near even though normally you wouldn’t swap spit with them if offered $1000.

4. Never, under any circumstances call the cops up to your home because this may bring the cops to your neighbors’.

5.  When someone is getting ready to pay for something in public politely turn your eyes away so you don’t see what might be a large wad of cash.