Sure, you already knew where Sean Penn and Phil Donahue stood vis a vis California’s Second District Congressional race — *coughNormancough* — but I bet you were wondering: Hey, what of award-winning actor and activist Mike Farrell, best known or only known for his portrayal of second-string Hawkeye Pierce lackey B.J. Hunnicutt in the TV series M*A*S*H? Where’s he at on this thing?

Wonder no more!

In the meanwhile, our man went full negative over the weekend. Area boxes were stuffed with a mailer that gut-punched presumed second-place leader Stacey Lawson. You had to look pretty close to find the little box telling you that the mailer was “Paid for by the Norman Solomon for Congress Committee.” (See a PDF of the mailer below.)

So it’s down to the wire and all the candidates who think they’re lingering around third place are gunning to knock out Lawson before June 5. Team Stacey is trying to turn that frown upside-down, as an e-mail to friends and supporters shows:

Starting late last week, Stacey’s opponents have launched smear campaigns against her. It’s politics as usual. They are using lies and distortions to attack Stacey and our campaign. We need your help to fight back.

They know that Stacey is one of the frontrunners in this race, and they’re aiming to take her out. I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to stand for the same old antics in our political system.

This is exactly the kind of dirty, polarizing politics that Stacey is running to stand against. 

While other candidates do what politicians do best - attack each other - Stacey is bringing her real-life experience to tackle our problems and offer solutions: how we can strengthen our economy for the long-term, put people in this district back to work, and make more in America. She is a new generation of leadership stepping forward to fight for our middle class.

Again: See the Solomon attack below, if you wish.

Solomon Hits Lawson