The days of Phish’s Tahoe “Tweezer” being acceptable for local radio airplay are coming to a close.

Photo Leon Villagomez

At the end of his midday radio programme Monday, KHUM’s Mike Dronkers announced that he would be leaving his show effective in two weeks, ending an 18 year run with Humboldt County’s freeform station. KHUM’s slogan, “Radio Without the Rules,” was certainly never more true than when Mike was at the microphone.

We asked Mike to G-chat us over some sweet sentiment. “While I’m really looking forward to what’s next, KHUM’s been an absolute dream. From the listeners to the interns to the owners… people are just so nice,” he replied.


Over the years, the always curious, always quick-witted Dronkers has curated one of the most positive, Humboldt-centric shows on local airwaves, consistently interviewing otherwise unheard local and traveling bands, community leaders and do-gooders. As program director for KHUM, he displayed an eclectic taste and acted as an advocate for sounds both new and needing rediscovery. 

With Mike goes segments familiar to KHUM listeners, such as the concert/interview series Upstage Live, the ocean-focused Coastal Currents (Humboldt’s first podcast, btw) and the booty-shaking Friday Mid-Day Dance Party (MDDP). [UPDATE: Coastal Currents will live on! Hooray!]

Below is audio of Dronkers’ announcement pulled from the popular afternoon “Changeover” segment with fellow KHUM DJ Larry Trask. In the clip, Mike talks a bit about his plans for the future — he’s taking a “behind the scenes,” non-teaching role at Humboldt State University working in communications and social media — takes a couple calls from distraught listeners and, fittingly, endures the blare of Ferndale’s emergency siren, long the bane of his on-air existence.  


(AUDIO) Dronkers Out

(Right-click here to download.)

Now, let’s look at some pictures of Mike we found on Facebook:

Upstage Live with Lila Nelson

Broadcasting from the back porch with LoCO’s Hank Sims

More Upstage Live with Mason Jennings

Proudly rocking a Mac Dre shirt

Welcoming you to the Grand Budapest Hotel

Holding a bunny

If you would like to thank Mike for his years occupying your ears, do note that he’ll be throwing out the first pitch at the July 24th Humboldt Crabs game. (Hint: Don’t touch him or look him directly in the eye.)

Now, if LoCO could speak to Mike directly: While we know, technically, you’re not going anywhere, we’ll certainly miss you as a superclose colleague. We have always admired your commitment to not sucking. As your middle-of-nowhere media family, we extend a sincere thanks for your contributions and wish you love, peace, understanding and stuff. We’ll see you at the next Yogoman Burning Band show. Later.

Long live Mike D.