As we note often here on LoCO, Humboldtians are fascinated with the way we are perceived by outsiders. Thus, we can’t help but be fascinated with the travel video below.
Above: “NoCantFant”
Meet Drew Fant AKA “NoCantFant.” On his Facebook page, the Houston, Texas resident describes himself as “JUST A MAN THAT LIKES TO TRAVEL AND CREATE,” which seems to check out since, recently, Fant traveled to the “quaint town” of Eureka and created a video chronicling his experiences here.
His conclusion? The Eureka pace of life had him feeling like a “lost puppy.”
“I was literally trying to figure out what am I going to do with my life over here, you know?” Fant says in the clip. “Idle time is the devil’s playground and, player, I was on the slide.”
More on how Fant felt about his time here is revealed in the clip’s description:
Here is my trip to the wonderful town of Eureka California! I enjoyed my stay here after a few bumps on the road, but there are some nice museums here and a zoo to check out! Not downing Eureka, but just wasn’t my cup of tea for others it may be perfect. What I do know is that it is BEAUTIFUL!
Fant eventually found his way to Trinidad which seems to have been, in his view, more soul-pleasing. You win this round, Trinidad!
We will note that, should you happen to be someone who is in the habit of donating to strangers’ world treks, our mini-documentarian friend has a GoFundMe page with which he hopes to fund his travels.
Good luck, NoCantFant. Oh, now watch that video.