This proposed new location of the city’s corporation yard, across from Sequoia Park and Zoo, has angered neighbors. | File image.
Press release from the City of Eureka:
The City of Eureka is currently exploring the concept of relocating its corporation yard, currently located at 14th and Short next to Costco, to be co-located with the current water reservoir and treatment works located across from the Eureka Zoo between W and Dolbeer Streets. Preliminary work to date has included rough conceptual layouts for the site, release of an RFQ for design, and conversations with Costco staff regarding sale of the existing site.
The City is exploring the possibility of relocating to the W street site for the following reasons:
- The current location of the Corp Yard within the tsunami zone poses serious challenges for emergency response and post disaster cleanup. A Cascadia type event would result in the loss of all heavy machinery, most vehicles and equipment to inundation. This was identified as a significant vulnerability during a week long simulation style FEMA training attended by City staff in 2016.
- The needs to invest in improvements to existing facilities and replace facilities at the existing site including buildings due to age. The existing site is within the Coastal Zone making any alterations or additions more costly and time consuming.
- Proceeds from the sale of the existing site and increased tax revenue associated with increased commercial development could help offset the costs of relocation to a significant degree.
- Available parcels of the sufficient size and configuration are extremely limited outside of the tsunami zone which encompasses most of the commercial and industrial properties in the City.
The City takes the neighborhood concerns regarding traffic, noise, lighting and the loss of park facilities seriously and will engage the neighbors and stakeholders directly if this project progresses beyond the exploratory stage. This project has not been on a City Council Agenda, because it is only conceptual. City staff is continuing to review other potential locations for the carp yard.
Contrary to posts on social media, recent tree removal activities at the reservoir were not part associated with the relocation and were initiated by PG&E due to utility conflicts. The removal of these nonnative trees will be mitigated by new plantings more appropriate to the location in the near future.
Brian Issa Deputy
Director of Public Works — Field Operations
531 K Street, Eureka CA 95501
(707) 441-4290
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