Don’t make Calfire extinguish your burn pile! File photo.
From the Calfire Humboldt-Del Norte Unit:
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Humboldt - Del Norte Unit would like to remind residents a CAL FIRE burn permit (LE- 5) is required for Non-Standard burn permit holders beginning May 1, 2017.
Humboldt-Del Norte Unit Chief Hugh Scanlon wants to emphasize to the public the importance of following all burning regulations and ensuring controlled burns do not escape and become wildland fires. Chief Scanlon says, βThe public living in wildland areas should prepare for increased wildfire activity this year as recent precipitation has promoted the rapid growth of vegetation, which will dry out in the coming months and leave fine fuels that are ready to burn.β
Residents are encouraged to conduct their burning early. Learn more how you can prepare for wildfire by visiting www.ReadyForWidlfire.org. To obtain the required CAL FIRE burn permit, contact the nearest CAL FIRE office for an application or additional information.
LE-5 permit applications may require an onsite visit by CAL FIRE personnel to determine if specific precautions need to be included in the permit to conduct a safe burn. Burn permits are required year round by the North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District (NCUAQMD). NCUAQMD burn permits can be obtained on-line at ncuaqmd.org, in-person at 707 L Street, Eureka M-F 9 to Noon & 1-4, or by calling (707) 443-3093.
CAL FIRE requires burn permits as of today. Avail at our stations in Hum Co at Garb, Weott, Fortuna, Trinidad. In Del Norte Co at Klamath.
In Hum and DN Co, piles 4’X4’ or smaller require only an Air Quality permit. Larger piles require the AQMD and CAL FIRE permit as of today.