A Hydesville man has been sentenced to 13 years in state prison for shooting his girlfriend in the thigh nearly two years ago in Southern Humboldt.


Judge John Feeney imposed the sentence this morning on 38-year-old Casey Floyd Felt, who agreed to the 13-year term when he pleaded guilty to assault with a firearm, personal use of a firearm and shooting into an occupied vehicle. Felt was given credit for 594 days in Humboldt County Correctional Facility. Because he was convicted of a violent felony, he will receive only 15 percent “good time” credit while in prison.

Felt admitted shooting his 24-year-old girlfriend Christine Turkovich on Jan. 19, 2017. Turkovich reported to sheriff’s investigators that she was accosted by two masked men as she sat in her vehicle on Avenue of the Giants. She said the men began shooting at her vehicle, demanded drugs and money and then shot her before fleeing the scene.

Although Felt pleaded guilty to the charge of shooting into a vehicle, his father says the Avenue of the Giants incident never happened.

“They (Casey Felt) and Turkovich made that story up on the way to the hospital,” Don Felt said outside the courtroom. “He didn’t want her to get in trouble, and she didn’t want him to get in trouble, supposedly.”

Don Felt contends the shooting happened at Turkovich’s home during a dispute over a stolen dog. He said his son was trying to get the dog back, and Turkovich went into her house and closed the door.

“He hit the door with the gun and the gun went off,” Don Felt said. “It was an accidental shooting. As soon as he realized she was shot he took his belt off and put a tourniquet on. Then he took her to the hospital.”

Turkovich, however, told law enforcement that the two men who approached her on Avenue of the Giants took off with her car keys and cellphone, leaving her stranded. She said a passerby took her to Redwood Memorial Hospital in Fortuna.

Five days after the shooting Felt was arrested on a warrant at his home on Felt Road in Hydesville.

Turkovich did not attend the sentencing today. She has the option of demanding restitution from Casey Felt, but if she does that would involve a separate hearing.

Don Felt said his son wanted to go to trial “and get his story out,” but he feared being convicted of more-serious charges. One of the charges dismissed as part of the plea agreement was a gun-related allegation that could have meant life in prison.

Felt is represented by private attorney Michael Acosta, with Deputy District Attorney Josh Rosenfeld prosecuting the case.
