Photo: Andrew Goff.
UPDATE, 11:51 a.m.:
Not much intradistrict disagreement: The precinct-by-precinct report shows that each of the progressive candidates in the Eureka city election — Susan Seaman (Mayor), Leslie Castellano (First District), Natalie Arroyo (Third District), Kim Bergel (Fifth District) — won in every precinct where they were on the ballot.
Likewise, Richard Marks outperformed Marian Brady in every precinct in the Fourth Division of the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District apart from one — Precinct 4E-42, which turns out to be one city block up against Cooper Gulch. (South of 14th Street, between M and N.) Brady got seven 4E-42 votes to Marks’ two.
The block that Brady won.
The Humboldt County Office of Elections just posted its final-final tally of the November election, and for the most part the results are unchanged: Eureka City Council candidates Kim Bergel, Natalie Arroyo and Leslie Castellano have won their races, as has mayoral candidate Susan Seaman, and as has Harbor District candidate Richard Marks.
But the progressive sweep of Eureka turns out to be more complete than had previously been thought — left-leaning candidate for the board of the Eureka City School G. Mario Fernandez has pulled ahead of incumbent Wendy Davis, 1,731 votes to 1,616.
Eureka’s Measure I — a quarter-cent sales tax to fund road repair — failed to get the 2/3 vote required. Trinidad City Councilmember Susan Rotwein failed to place in the top three vote-getters in that race, and so will not sit on the council during its next term.
Download the final elections report in PDF format at this link. The Board of Supervisors still needs to certify the result, which it will likely do at its next meeting.