It seems that just one day after the Outpost posted an article about the housing development on the Crowley Site, the City of Eureka has decided to take the northern section of the site out of the equation.

Before the issue even reached the City Council public hearing this evening, the City of Eureka sent out the following press release:

On the May 15, 2018 Regular Council Agenda, the Eureka City Council set a Public Hearing to hear the Local Coastal Program Amendment for the northern section of the Crowley Site on Hilfiker Lane. The amendment was intended to change the zoning of the parcel from Coastal Dependent Industrial to Service Commercial with the intent of creating a site for the Betty Chinn Community Housing Project.

The City of Eureka has heard from a number of businesses in this area regarding the north end of the Crowley site and is removing this north end from consideration. The trailers currently located at that site will be removed once a suitable alternative site is identified.

The City will be actively pursuing alternative sites, potentially including the south end of the Crowley property located next to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Once the preferred site is selected, staff will present to the Council and public the process necessary to execute the project in that location.

The City continues to believe in the value of the project and its partnership with the Betty Chinn Foundation.