Oh, thank heavens! County of Humboldt press release below:
Based on results from yesterday’s field tests, the Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services - Public Health concluded that the substance found on the ground floor court house door at 421 I Street in Eureka was not an identified chemical or biological agent. The substance was cleaned yesterday afternoon, and Humboldt County Risk Management has cleared the area for use by members of the public.
One individual came in to contact with the substance yesterday. Reasonable precautionary measures were taken to prevent any potential ill effects. So far, there have been no reported symptoms of concern from this incident. An out of area lab will be performing further tests, based on hazmat protocols, to provide additional information.
We want to thank personnel from Humboldt County Risk Management, Environmental Health, Humboldt Bay Fire, Sheriff’s Office, Eureka Police, Public Health Lab, Courts and other professional staff, and the Hazmat team, all of whom worked together to mitigate any public exposure or injury from this event.