The City of Eureka is opposed to the release of Joshua Cooley, a Sexually Violent Predator
(SVP) into the City of Eureka. The proposed plan of releasing Mr. Cooley as a transient
SVP into Eureka motels is not in the best interest of the people of Eureka. Joshua Cooley,
SVP threatens the safety and security of Eureka citizens. Joshua Cooley was designated
as a Sexually Violent Predator in 2010 and has a pattern of behavior that makes our
residents and visitors targets of his deviant actions.
Joshua Cooley’s criminal past and behavior has convinced experts that he is “most likely to
re-offend”. His history of not complying with the terms of conditional release along with his
refusal to attend a sexual offender’s course is more than reason enough to prevent SVP
Cooley’s release into our City.
The proposed plan to release SVP Cooley as a transient with no stable or consistent place
of residence is outrageous! Placing SVP Cooley into a transient environment, in which he is
moved every 3 to 4 days from one motel to another is a plan that cannot happen. At this
time, no one from Liberty Health Care, the private provider of care for Mr. Cooley, has
notified the Chief of Police for the City of Eureka regarding the proposed motel(s)
placement or plans to monitor Cooley’s actions. The only information that has been
received has been from the District Attorney’s office who are working diligently to keep the
public safe and Joshua Cooley in custody.
From the information that has been provided, SVP Cooley will register as a “transient” sex
offender, every 30 days. Cooley will rotate through a series of motels that agree to house
SVP Cooley. Those motels also house families, including children. Vulnerable children
could be as close as the room next door to a registered Sexually Violent Predator!
Since the City does not have a list of motels for SVP Cooley’s placement we can assume
that some of the proposed motels are establishments that accept state vouchers for short
term housing. These types of motels have a propensity for drug related sales and use along with alcohol related incidents. The medical expert who supports Mr. Cooley’s
conditional release, reportedly stated that substance abuse issues were significant causal
factors in Cooley’s offenses. Placement of SVP Cooley into a motel situation that is rife
with drug and alcohol violations seems counter to what Mr. Cooley needs for a successful
reintegration into society. Additionally, this transient, roving placement presents significant
challenges for Eureka Police to sufficiently monitor and track his activities to ensure both
Mr. Cooley’s and the public’s safety.
The City of Eureka strongly and vehemently objects to the placement of Joshua Cooley, a
Sexually Violent Predator, in any Eureka motel establishment and his release as a
“transient” sex registrant. Please reconsider the plan to release SVP Cooley into”
transient” status and to house him in Eureka motels or any other area motel. Our children
and residents of Eureka deserve every protection possible, and the risk of SVP Cooley re-
offending is too great of a risk to take. Please don’t let history repeat itself, and uphold
District Attorney Maggie Fleming’s efforts to prevent Joshua Cooley’s release into Eureka
and Humboldt County. We urge you to protect all citizens and reconsider the ill-conceived
plan for SVP Cooley’s conditional release.