Allen McCloskey

From the Allen McCloskey for County Supervisor campaign:


Allen McCloskey, local union organizer and Democratic Party activist, is running for 1st District Supervisor. His official campaign launch and press conference will be held Saturday, March 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ferndale Veterans Memorial Building, 1100 Main Street. All are welcome! This family friendly event will feature music and food as well as a chance to meet your next supervisor.

Born and raised in Humboldt County, Allen learned our rural values and lifeways from his Yurok and Karuk elders, graduated from local schools, and has worked tirelessly to promote working people, health care for all, and transparency and ethics in local government. He successfully unionized the health care behemoth that is Providence St. Joseph Health – winning fair wages and working conditions for our local health care workers. More recently, Allen worked for the passage of Measure V (Mobile Home Fee Stabilization) and Measure P (True Ward in Eureka). Allen is currently a local Union Leader and Community Organizer with NUHW Humboldt County, an elected Delegate to the California Democratic Party, and a member of the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee and a union rep to the Humboldt Del Norte Central Labor Council.

Allen has the courage of his convictions – he will speak up when others remain silent. He has truly changed the face of local politics; he will continue to represent hard working families and our most vulnerable throughout Humboldt County.

“It is the intention of our campaign to reset the tone of local County politics and work with other Supervisors and officials to restore a County Government that represents all of the people of Humboldt County and not a handful of powerful and wealthy special interests. Together, we have taken bold steps to protect our most vulnerable citizens, lobbied for a single payer healthcare system, protected our natural resources and rural way of life, stood with union labor, and united in solidarity to resist the current extreme national politics. At each of these moments, there were folks – even some within our own political parties – who insisted on polite patience and calculated political maneuvering. They said we were far too idealistic and asking far too much of our institutions and systems. But we stood together and never backed down and so we will continue in our determined effort to secure a seat on the County Board of Supervisors and begin reforming the County Government to work for the people once again.” —Allen McCloskey

Those speaking at the launch party include:

  • Karen Paz Dominguez, Local Elected Official
  • Renee Saucedo, Labor Organizer and Community Leader
  • Kellie Shaner, E-Board Rep NUHW
  • Patrick O’Rourke, Ferndale City Council
  • Mary Jane Montana, Former Pomo Tribal Housing Director & Lake County Chief Building Official

“Allen’s passion, dedication, tenacity, integrity and love for his community is immeasurable. I trust his leadership, believe in his guidance and know without a doubt that his number one interest is our community and its well-being. He is invested in our community not only as a citizen and a home owner but as a labor leader, Elected Assembly Delegate, descendant of our local tribes and as California licensed foster parent. I know of nobody better to represent our county than Allen. I am proud to endorse Allen as our next County Supervisor.” — Kellie Shaner, National Union of Healthcare Workers.

It’s time to join our people-powered, working-class campaign. Allen looks forward to talking with you one-on-one during our campaign, canvassing your neighborhood or getting to know you and your families during one of our many planned public events.