Jennifer Eddy, chief marketing strategist for Eddy Alexander, shares a cloud of words harvested from a survey question that asked: “Today, when I think of Eureka these three words come to mind.” Photos: Andrew Goff.


“There’s a stickiness and a nostalgia to this region,” said Jennifer Eddy, the city of Eureka’s new marketing and tourism consultant, to a few dozen people inside the Wharfinger Building to hear her presentation this morning.

Eddy was there this morning, and at a different session last night, to present the research her firm — Eddy Alexander — has done on Eureka to date. Much of it involved a big community survey undertaken a a couple of months ago. The company was 

“You don’t see this very often. Most communities have either exit pipelines or incoming pipelines, and not a whole lot of going back and forth.”

“In some of the other questions we saw sort of trends that didn’t make sense to us when we look at this. A lot of people aren’t saying the best things, the most flattering things about the community — but they’re moving back.”

“My commitment to you is that we’re always going to be data-driven, we’re going to be as transparent as we can in the process — we want it to be a dialog — and that we’re not going to get everything right,” Eddy said. “There will be some things that we try that will work phenomenally well. There will be some things that we try that won’t work. What we promise you is that we will measure it and we’re going to report back and we’re going to adjust.”

Full video of this morning’s event can be found below (via the City of Eureka’s Facebook page).