UPDATE, 5:10 p.m.: Hey, hey, hey!
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UPDATE, 11:45 a.m.:
OK, this is getting funny.
Humboldt County’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) has sort of backed down just a little a bit, what with the power still being on here in Northern Humboldt. But the mistake wasn’t theirs, they say! PG&E gave them BAD INFO!
Graciously, OES is giving PG&E an opportunity to own up to its mistake:

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Original post:

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What a total cluster.
Last night, as we recounted in an earlier post, the Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services got chesty with the Redwood Coast Energy Authority, chastising the community choice aggregator for circulating different information than what they’d heard from PG&E.
The county’s official word was that virtually all of the county would lose power in the pre-dawn hours, whereas RCEA had said the northern part of the county likely wouldn’t lose power until 9 p.m.
Late last night, PG&E sent out an updated press release that seemed to confirm RCEA’s information, noting that “Humboldt (northern) and Siskiyou” counties would not lose power until 9 p.m. Tuesday.
Come this morning, lo and behold! Northern Humboldt did indeed still have power. And PG&E’s Deanna Contreras told KHUM DJ Cliff Berkowitz in no uncertain terms that this meant what it seems to mean: Eureka, Arcata, McKinleyville et al. would remain powered until tonight.
AND YET! Humboldt County OES is sticking to its guns!
In the press release below the county says, “The information of a 9 p.m. shut off occurring this evening is contrary to the information provided by PG&E during the update at 7:30 a.m. this morning. There may be some confusion due to PG&E having zones with different names, one of which is called ‘N. Humboldt’ but actually pertains to Siskiyou County, not Humboldt County.”
Why, yes! That IS confusing. Also confusing: The fact that nobody — not the county, not RCEA, not even PG&E — can tell us with any reliability what to expect.
Here’s the press release from the Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services. Read it quickly. The lights may go out before you’re done.
PG&E advises that ALL customers in Humboldt County will lose power again today, Tuesday, October 29th, due to extreme weather conditions in parts of Humboldt County and surrounding counties that will cause dangerous conditions for power transmission lines. PG&E was unable to provide an estimated time for power loss to occur and are allowing for power to remain on for as long as possible. Residents are encouraged to prepare for loss of power to occur at any point and to remain out for another night. The estimated time for the weather “all clear” is currently at 8 am on Wednesday, October 30th.
While power remains on, Humboldt County residents are encouraged to:
a. Restock emergency supplies including medication, food, water, fuel, etc.
b. Charge all devices
c. Make arrangements for medical needs
d. Sign up for Humboldt ALERT at humboldtgov.org/alerts
e. Follow @HumboldtCountyOES on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information
Please note: The information of a 9 pm shut off occurring this evening is contrary to the information provided by PG&E during the update at 7:30am this morning. There may be some confusion due to PG&E having zones with different names, one of which is called “N. Humboldt” but actually pertains to Siskiyou County, not Humboldt County.
This release is intended to update the public on Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) activity information provided by PG&E. This office is not able to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided and the public should consider this release as general information and be prepared for a PSPS event that may have different timing and/or duration than predicted.
Temperatures are forecast to dip into the thirties this evening in the coastal and inland areas, with high twenties anticipated in the outlying areas.
Confirmed Community Resource Centers are as follows:
- Humboldt Bay Fire Bode Classroom “Medical Device Charging Station” – 3030 L St., Eureka. Warming station, charging for medical devices, water, snacks Tuesday, Oct. 29 – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department - 320 South Fortuna Blvd., Fortuna. Warming station, Medical Device charging only please Tuesday, Oct. 29 – Opens at 8 a.m.
- Eureka Municipal Auditorium - 1120 F St., Eureka. Bring your own charging equipment Tuesday, Oct. 29 - To open when the power goes out to 4 p.m.
- Humboldt County Library - 1313 3rd Street, Eureka, CA (PG&E-sponsored) Tuesday, Oct. 29 – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Fortuna Fireman’s Pavilion - 9 Park Street, Fortuna, CA (PG&E-sponsored) Tuesday, Oct. 29 – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Thomas Home Center - 1685 Sutter Rd, McKinleyville Weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Hoopa Neighborhood Facilities – 11900 CA-96 (PG&E-sponsored) Tuesday, Oct. 29 – 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Redwoods Rural Health Center — 101 West Coast Rd # B, Redway (Has generator power 24/7 and is serving as a medical device charging center)
To learn more about PSPS, go to pge.com/prepareforpowerdown or by calling 1-877-9000-PGE.
Sign up to receive location-specific emergency information through Humboldt ALERTs at humboldtgov.org/alerts. Follow Sheriff’s OES on Facebook for the most recent updates.